- Attend 6 Lectures by different astrologers
- Attend 3 or 4 full day astrology workshops
- Experience a one hour consultation with four different professional astrologers.
- Attend 2 major Astrology Conferences
- Attend 3 minor Astrology Conferences
- Volunteer to help at an astrology function.
Become members of the following 4 or more Astrological Organizations: If they don’t work out for you, you don’t have to renew, but at least you will have gained the experience and have a first hand sense of what is going on out there.
- 1. AFAN, Association For Astrological Networking
- 2. At least one major American organization: NCGR, ISAR, AFA, etc.
- 3. One local group in your own area. If there is no group in your area, find one close to you. Most major cities will have an astrological group or gathering of some sort.
- 4. At least one international organization outside of the USA. AA, Astrology Association (England), The Astrological Lodge of London (England), FAA, Federation of Australian Astrologers, or some other international organization.
- 5. If you speak another language, it would be very insightful to find an astrology group in that language.
- 6. Subscribe to some astrology magazines. Most of the groups mentioned above have publications. There are many other excellent journals and periodicals. Even some of the newspaper stand magazines have a few good articles in them.
- 7. And then there is the world wide web! For as long as it lasts! Take advantage of information downloads whenever possible. Unlimited access and freedom of expression may not prevail forever.