My Saturn is at 7°10 Leo in House 12.
in Hexagram 18, with a Special Focus on Line 2:
HEXAGRAM 18: Ku / Work on What Has Been Spoiled [Decay ]
The Chinese character ku represents a bowl in whose contents worms are breeding. This means decay. It has come about because the gentle indifference of the lower trigram has come together with the rigid inertia of the upper, and the result is stagnation. Since this implies guilt, the conditions embody a demand for removal of the cause. Hence the meaning of the hexagram is not simply “what has been spoiled” but “work on what has been spoiled.”
Having my planet of karma and work in this hexagram in Leo in the 12th House seems to me very appropriate. I first worked for many years to fix the relationship with my father which had been spoiled. I then had to fix the relationship to my own son over time. So I can see this played out in my family, but it is also very vivid in my career. My work with astrology is consistently tied up in working on what has been spoiled, by history and what has been spoiled in my clients life. Even with my own joints, bones, and teeth the story of working on what is been spoiled holds true. In fact I was once criminally ripped off in a business and it took me fifteen years of work to pay off the debts, but I did it!
Work on what has been spoiled
Has supreme success.
It furthers one to cross the great water.
Before the starting point, three days.
After the starting point, three days.
What has been spoiled through man’s fault can be made good again through man’s work…. …..We must not recoil from work and danger—symbolized by crossing of the great water—but must take hold energetically. Success depends, however, on proper deliberation. …. …..We must first know the causes of corruption before we can do away with them; hence it is necessary to be cautious during the time before the start. Then we must see to it that the new way is safely entered upon, so that a relapse may be avoided; therefore we must pay attention to the time after the start. Decisiveness and energy must take the place of the inertia and indifference that have led to decay, in order that the ending may be followed by a new beginning.
Overcoming inertia is the work of life. To tackle one’s chores and duty in an energetic and positive attitude is essential to me. I work hard to fix misconceptions and problems.
The wind blows low on the mountain:
The image of DECAY.
Thus the superior man stirs up the people
And strengthens their spirit.
When the wind blows low on the mountain, it is thrown back and spoils the vegetation. This contains a challenge to improvement. It is the same with debasing attitudes and fashions; they corrupt human society. To do away with this corruption, the superior man must regenerate society. His methods like-wise must be derived from the two trigrams, but in such a way that their effects unfold in orderly sequence. The superior man must first remove stagnation by stirring up public opinion, as the wind stirs everything, and must then strengthen and tranquillize the character of the people, as the mountain gives tranquillity and nourishment to all that grows in its vicinity.
In my work as an astrologer I do often stir up public opinion and then have to work hard to keep up with the subsequent demands. I hate injustice. I do try to bring peace to the mountain of my worries by chanting and meditating. Getting rid of the thoughts that spoil my inner peace.
Nine in the second place means:
Setting right what has been spoiled by the mother.
One must not be too persevering.
This refers to mistakes that as a result of weakness have brought about decay—hence the symbol, “what has been spoiled by the mother.” In setting things right in such a case, a certain gentle consideration is called for. In order not to wound, one should not attempt to proceed too drastically.
This is a most potent special concern for me. First my mother threw my father out of the house when I was a teenager. My father got sick and weak and did not deal with his vulnerabilities graciously. The home and marriage was spoiled ….. ruined would be a better word. Later my first wife took off with our son and I did not see him for close to five years. We (my son and I) are very close now. Lastly my son had to take custody of my grandson at a young age. Let’s just say I have had my work cut out for me! With my Moon also in Cancer I have generally idealized the role of mother, however, even here I have had to work on what has been spoiled.
Degree Focus on: Hexagrams: Person/Event
07LE10 47 d PFT in H05 18L2:10L2:23L6 Lennon, John..
07LE16 35 d DSC in H07 18L2:10L2:23L3 Arnold, Roseanne..
07LE16 35 d DSC in H07 18L2:10L2:23L3 King, Coretta Scott..
Wife/Martin Luther
07LE20 42 d NNd in H07 18L2:10L3: 2L6 Little, “Malcolm X”..
07LE21 53 d SUN in H06 18L2:10L3: 2L5 Tong, Shen..
Leader ProDemoc Tiennamin
07le30 40 d SAT in H08 17L2:11L3:24L1 Close, Roberta..
Sex change man to woman
07LE51 17 d MER in H11 18L2:11L1: 3L1 Koresh, David..
Cult leader/Waco Tx
07LE55 08 r PLU in H06 18L2:11L1: 3L4 Adler, Margot..
Wicca Priestess