Thank you, thank you, so much for the opportunity to continue to learn Astrology at RASA through scholarship. So far it’s much easier to focus on the classes through video, rather than MP3. I felt like I wasn’t part of the class while listening to the discussions…now these days, online classes are the new thing. I’ve been learning astrology for some time and I must say, that this course is the most thorough, in depth knowledge, I have ever received, in all my years of practice. Robin, thank you for providing your wisdom and expertise in this fascinating subject. When I’m around fellow astrologers, I feel like I’m home. ……… S.D., 20210826
Oh, the tears of joy I experienced, upon receiving my RASA scholarship and course material! After spending twenty years studying astrology independently, and the difficulty sorting through all the available literature to piece the puzzle together, I was only left with more questions. I am forever grateful to have found RASA and become a student of Robin! Robin teaches critical thinking from the very beginning, using an efficient structure that builds a strong foundation that forms the language of astrology, and “makes it our own”. I respect that Robin is very thorough, and each level brings a new layer of meaning that deepens understanding yet keeps curiosity alive. Much of Robin’s curriculum is truly unique, and I feel honoured to be learning from a leader in astrological education! Many thanks to Robin for gifting the astrological community with RASA! The knowledge Robin has shared to many that are seeking, makes him a genuinely profound being! A true Jedi Master! May the force be with you! ………..A., 2018-03-20
I’ve studied with Robin Armstrong for four years amongst other astrologers. He is hands down the best teacher and illuminating astrologer. You can study in Aurora or online now. Such an amazing tool for psycho analysis and understanding the currents and potentials in your life and relationships with others. Study with Robin and discover the true geocosmic interconnections. ………….L.S., 2013-05-26
Ready to settle in this morning with another RASA astrology lesson. I LOVE this audio course (adequately supplemented with graphics) and have already learned and absorbed so much. Thank you, Robin Armstrong! Your sense of humor makes learning astrology fun. Your thoroughness and attention to detail makes your classes superb in every way. ………J.B., 2013-04-07
I am slowly but surely working through the first lecture series. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! I can’t believe how much I’ve learned, and how much I’ve had to unlearn! I’m nearly done with the RASA 01, and wondering if I can schedule my exam for sometime at the end of the month?…..A.S., 20130102
I thoroughly enjoy your teaching style and you are the best instructor of astrology I have come across. Your classes have filled in alot of gaps and expanded my knowledge of astrology. …….B.B., 20121210
I’m really looking forward to the next classes. I love your teaching style and your wisdom. I can’t tell you how delighted i am to have been given the scholarship. …..R.M., 20121210
When I received the email that I had won the RASA Scholarship, I was surprised, excited and elated, I realized that my dream of being an Astrologer was on its way to becoming true! I was told by Robin Armstrong that in the next week I would be receiving instructions to download the files. When I received all the files, I was amazed at the depth and scope of the reading material, and as a wonderful surprise, audio files to accompany them! This was a very large amount of material but I realized that within those files all my questions would be answered. The material was very in depth, very thorough and thoroughly organized, covering everything that I would need. When I started to listen to the files, I was enchanted by Robin’s witty, friendly and realistic approach. He, has wonderful rapport with the students, answering all questions as they were presented (some of my questions were answered as well). I felt as if I was in the classroom with all those other students, not just doing a course on line! His approach to astrology is refreshingly straightforward, giving the student an understanding of where they are headed. Some of my first lectures I listened to were on Chart Patterns and Lunar Phases. Robin explained very simply how to calculate Lunar Phases as well as learning to decipher the chart patterns, I was delighted and amazed that Robin made it so easy to understand! I am eagerly anticipating listening to my next class to see what the next lecture will unfold! To say the least, I am excited to have received this incredible opportunity and gift from RASA. Gratefully ………C.M., 2011-04-07
If you are looking for a good astrology teacher, there are many to choose from. If you are looking for a great astrology teacher, they are few and far between. In the latter category, I can highly recommend Robin Armstrong.
His knowledge of Astrology is vast and his style is thoroughly entertaining.
Beginners are rewarded with a solid foundation and advanced students can plunge into the depths of the cosmos with the best of celestial guides.
Whether you attend Robin’s humorous yet intense personal classes or opt for the virtual RASA version, you can be sure that you will be learning Astrology from a Master. ………L.B., 2011-02-06
I have always been interested in astrology from a young age. When I started your course back in 1991, and then going through most of the classes twice, it made a big defference in my life at all levels, mentally, physically and specially spiritually. The classes were intense at time but fun and never a dull moment! I love your teaching .Thank-you Robin …….A.P., 2011-01-20
On receiving her diploma from the Astrological Association of Great Britain: I also thank my original astrology teacher, Robin Armstrong, who taught me not to be afraid to go into the dark places with clients, and whose teaching gave me a logical foundation for astrology. Robin’s mixture of spirituality and pragmatism is always with me as I continue to study this fascinating subject. …..P. R., 2010-02-14,
I was studying astrology on my own for a couple of years before taking Robin Armstrong’s 10 level course… and it made THE difference in my world of learning! I have yet to find books containing the valuable information this course has to offer, Robin’s teachings are profound, deep and comprehensive and entertaining.
His teaching style is truly unique. He is able to convey the deepest concepts, always holding your attention, while helping you create your own thought process and making astrology as real as your life. Every time I listen to the DVD’s, the various layers sink deeper into my consciousness…Robin Armstrong’s classes and wisdom continue to open my eyes to the true and meaningful language of the stars! ……Z.G., 2008-09-01
Your lectures and my historical notes on different life phases were SO meaningful to me – as though the veil was drawn back each week and the lessons and meaning in my life revealed to me in a great shining gift. Thank-you. ……….S.J., 1995
If you are looking for a good astrology teacher, there are many to choose from. If you are looking for a great astrology teacher, they are few and far between. In the latter category, I can highly recommend Robin Armstrong. His knowledge of Astrology is vast and his style is thoroughly entertaining. Beginners are rewarded with a solid foundation and advanced students can plunge into the depths of the cosmos with the best of celestial guides. Whether you attend Robin’s humorous yet intense personal classes or opt for the virtual RASA version, you can be sure that you will be learning Astrology from a Master……….L.B. 2011-02-06
I just wanted to thank you again for the scholarship. I am enjoying the classes more than anything I have ever studied and am excited about what the future holds as I learn more. Thank you for the opportunity! …..S.W. 20111013