CPI Theory
(Continuous Planetary Interaction Theory)
Part One
Tony Waterfall
Table of Contents
Planetary Sphere
Auroral Oval
Space Transference
Planetary Dispersion
The astrological planets; Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Earth each have a surrounding interactive sphere. These spheres have magnetic poles. At the magnetic poles there can be auroral ovals. One auroral oval sits above the attracting magnetically negative pole and the other above the discharging magnetically positive pole. The discharge travels through open space. It follows the path of least resistance and greatest attraction to cover vast distances while creating continuous waves in the yielding dark and cold medium of interplanetary space. The discharge energy from a planet is drawn in by Earth’s magnetic field and enters Earth’s environmental sphere. Some energy is visible light. Some become quarks and hadrons and neutrons and protons, and hydrogen atoms a universal building block that interacts with the nitrogen rich atoms of Earth’s atmospheric environment. Electron beams from interplanetary space hit Earth along a ring shaped oval where cathode rays interact with high speed electrons. This creates an electrical discharge powered by the solar wind that interacts with the magnetosphere. Solar wind and the effects of solar discharges upon the solar wind create a pressurizing mechanism for the continuous auroral flow at the negative (incoming) pole that will contain travelling matter and unique signatures from all of the planets in our solar system. On Earth, the planetary discharges arrive channelled by the magnetic field and are drawn through the negative auroral oval and through electromagnetic commonality and through biophysical processes are acted upon by human beings.
Though mainstream science recognises the impact of the Sun and the Moon on Earth’s biosphere, it is not widely accepted that the planets have any influence on terrestrial events and ultimately human affairs. This is arguably the main reason why astrology remains on the fringe of science.
Professor Syun-Ichi Akasofu says, “I am convinced that new thinking is needed to solve long-standing unsolved problems…The new generation of scientists are encouraged to challenge the present paradigms and advance our understanding of electromagnetic phenomena around the Earth, in interplanetary space, and the heliosphere…In this age of infinite specialization, the importance of synthesis [1a] should be emphasized more now than ever…My dream of a grand synthesis is to bring solar physics, interplanetary physics, magnetospheric physics, and upper atmosphere physics together in terms of space weather research [1].”
The answer to planetary involvement may already be available. NASA and others have collected and continue to collect large amounts of data [2]. Perhaps the data can get organized into a clear statement of fact that leaves no doubt that planetary influence is alive and well [3].
The model that I am proposing can be summed up in twelve statements.
- Each planet is surrounded by an interactive sphere [4].
- The sphere is surrounded by a magnetosphere, some faint, some strong [5].
- Each sphere has two auroral ovals, one at each magnetic pole [6].
- The magnetic polarity of the poles under the ovals will change with time as the poles flip magnetic polarity [7].
- One auroral oval sits above a magnetically positive pole and the other above the magnetically negative pole [8].
- There is a flow through the ovals with its direction dictated by the magnetic polarity of the pole below [9] [9a].
- The flow consists of cosmic rays, electrons, protons and more particles yet to be identified [10].
- The flow at the oval is constant like the flow of water from a tap that is never turned off [11].
- The size and flows through the auroral oval differs from planet to planet. On Earth where considerable study has taken place the auroral ovals are found to be of considerable size. The auroral oval above Earth’s negative magnetic North Pole is 6,400 kilometers in diameter while the auroral oval above Earth’s positive South Pole is 6,000 kilometers in diameter [12].
- The average rate of magnetic flow through Earth’s incoming auroral curtain that forms the outer edge of the auroral oval is 1,000,000 megawatts [13].
- If a cross-section of the entrance flow at Earth’s incoming auroral oval was monitored it should show a composition made up of contributions from each of the astrological planets [14].
- At any given moment a signature from each of the astrological planets is entering Earth’s atmosphere and the environment of Earth’s biosphere [15].
I have tried to lay out the workings for A Theory of Continuous Planetary Interaction in four parts (1) Planetary Sphere (2) Auroral Oval (3) Space Transference (4) Planetary Dispersion.
I do not claim that A Theory of Continuous Planetary Influence is the answer to how astrology works, but it is my hope that this theory will show at least one mechanism for continuous planetary interaction with life on Earth.
Sources for Background:
[1] 2007, Dr.Syun-Ichi Akasofu (now retired) Director, International Arctic Research Center from his book Exploring the Secrets of the Aurora, page v, Volume 346 of the Astrophysics and Space Science Library. Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu was and may still be the world’s leading authority on the auroral oval and its workings. His book Exploring the Secrets of The Aurora, Second Edition is a wealth of wonderful information and insight and a must read for anyone interested in planetary interaction. Available at Amazon. [1a] The Northern Lights by Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu page 264, available at Amazon. [2] 2013, Earth’s auroral oval is monitored by the NOOA POES satellite and by the DSMP satellite and many others, a real time display can be found at http://sd-www.jhuapl.edu/Aurora/ovation_live/ovationdisplay.cgi?pole=N&type=E and at the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska: http://www.gi.alaska.edu/AuroraForecast [3] 2013, September 22, Daily Galaxy, Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life Found in Earth’s Atmosphere, Challenged. http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2013/09/claims-of-extraterrestrial-life-found-in-earths-stratosphere-challenged.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheDailyGalax [4] 1999, August 16, NASA, Planet in a Test Tube, paragraph 9, http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/1999/msad16aug99_1/ [5] NASA-JPL, http://genesismission.jpl.nasa.gov/science/module4_solarmax/solarmax_planets.html [6] 2007, SunEarthPlan, Extra-terrestrial Aurora, http://www.sunearthplan.net/6/310/Extra-terrestrial-aurora [7] 2013, August 5, NASA, The Sun’s Magnetic Field is About to Flip, http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2013/05aug_fieldflip/ [8] 2006, Georgia State University, Hyperphysics, Aurora, http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/atmos/aurora.html [9] 2005-04-04, NASA, Earth’s Auroras Don’t Mirror, http://www.nasa.gov/vision/earth/lookingatearth/dueling_auroras.html (9a) Stanford, Visualizing the Ionosphere from 150Kkm http://solar-center.stanford.edu/SID/educators/ionosphere_metadata.htm [10] 2012, September 20, Journal of Geophysical Research, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/JA093iA07p07441/abstract [11] 2013 real time, Aurora Activity Extrapolated from NOAA POES http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/pmap/ 1994, April, Cambridge Journals, Polar Record http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract;jsessionid=73751E4B52C847DFFA46F1170347A9DB.journals?fromPage=online&aid=5415848 [12] 2012, September 20, Journal of Geophysical Research, Diurnal Variation of the Auroral Oval Size. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/JA084iA09p05319/abstract [13] 2002, 2009, The Northern Lights by Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu page 139, available at Amazon. [14] 2013 real time, Space Weather Updates by SolarHam, http://www.solarham.net/data.htm [15] 2013 real time, Space Weather Updates by SolarHam, http://www.solarham.net/data.htm
Planetary Sphere
The concept of spheres around planets has been postulated since Ptolemy and Copernicus and goes back to at least 1250–1300 when the Latin sphaera for globe and the Greek sphaira for ball were in use [16]. Spheres are quite common on Earth where we have a Magnetosphere, Atmosphere, Exosphere, Ionosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere, Heterosphere, Homosphere, Biosphere, Anthroposphere, Noosphere, Hydrosphere, Cryosphere, Pedosphere, Geosphere, Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Mesosphere, Mantlesphere, and a Coresphere.
Dr. Anne Hofmeister, Research Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, says when talking about her recent research paper. “Existing models for planetary accretion assume that the planets form from the dusty 2-D disk, but they don’t conserve angular momentum. It seemed obvious to me to start with a 3-D cloud of gas, and conserve angular momentum. The key equations in the paper deal with converting gravitational potential to rotational energy, coupled with conservation of angular momentum…In all cases, the process is gravitational accretion of these cold, 3-D clouds making things contract and spin out, and that’s where the energy comes from. It’s all happening in very cold temperatures, in 3-D instead of 2-D [17].”
The nebula hypothesis [18] of star formation accepts that a star is formed by the gravitational collapse of a pocket of matter within a giant molecular cloud.
It seems quite possible to place a sphere-like cloud around a planet and by adding an auroral oval above each magnetic pole, and to infer two holes within the sphere that through a magnetic process facilitate movement of mass from outside the sphere to inside the sphere and then from inside the sphere back to outside the sphere. Mass arises through the interaction between two particles. Protons and electrons join to form hydrogen atoms setting light free. Interaction happens at the auroral oval.
The Sciences accept [19] that most of the planets in our solar system have auroral ovals but based on today’s current data it is said that Mars, Venus and Earth’s moon have no auroral ovals. It is possible that the Sciences will discover active auroral ovals on Mars, Venus and the Moon in the very near future.
Sources for Planetary Sphere:
[16] 1985, Van Helden, Measuring the Universe, pp. 37, 40 [17] 2012, February 27, Washington University in St. Louis, New Model Provides Different Take on Planetary Accretion, Dr. Anne Hofmeister, Research Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, when talking about her recent research paper. http://news.wustl.edu/news/Pages/23466.aspx 2013, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, http://eps.wustl.edu/people/anne_hofmeister [18] http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/solarsys/nebular.html and the book (2006), Planet Formation: Theory, Observations, and Experiments authored Wolfgang Brandtner and Hubert Klahar and published Cambridge University Press addresses major open questions and research issues surrounding planet formation. [19] Space Telescope Science Institute operated for NASA by AURA says about Nebula Hypothesis 2011, AuroraAlive, Find the aurora on Other Planets http://auroraalive.com/multimedia/autoformat/get_swf.php?videoSite=aurora&videoFile=aa_find_the_aurora.swf++&videoTitle=Find+the+Aurora
Auroral Oval
Many people are aware of the Aurora Borealis also known as the Northern Lights [20]. The dynamic visual light display is the outer visual edge of the inflowing auroral oval cascading 100 kilometers into the atmosphere of Earth as colored chemical rain traveling through an electrical field that is motivated by an electrical current. The auroral oval acts as a generator producing up to 10,000,000 megawatts of electrical power while a 1,000,000 ampere current flows through the auroral curtain [21].
Professor Syun-Ichi Akasofu says, “The Aurora can then be understood as the only visible manifestation of the electrical discharge processes that are powered by the dynamo. Thus auroral activity and geomagnetic disturbances are only different manifestations of an enhanced dynamo power [22].”
Light is emitted when charged particles trapped in the magnetic field interact with atoms of atmospheric gases. The colour depends on which atoms in the Earth’s atmosphere are emitting the light. Plasmas and electrons traveling the field lines spiral in and hit the atmosphere, generating light whose colors depend on which chemicals – oxygen (red and green light), nitrogen (blue light), and others – are excited in this process. When auroral light displays occur, about two thirds of the time, they cause the Earth’s atmosphere to expand slightly [23].
There are two auroral ovals above planet Earth and this theory hypothesises that there are two auroral ovals above each of the Astrological Planets: Sun, Mercury, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Auroral ovals may be found on the Moon, Venus and Mars no matter how faint or distorted.
On Earth at this moment in our history the north auroral oval sits above the magnetically negative north pole that induces material through the auroral oval towards the magnetic pole and into the atmosphere of Earth.
Earth’s southern auroral oval sits above a positively charged pole disbursing material out to re-circulate [24] and to travel beyond earth linking up with the space currents. I propose that this re-circulation and interplanetary space interaction happens on all planets.
Each Planet through one of its auroral ovals will disburse or receive material. The flow rates and contents will differ but each planet will have a unique signature.
Sun: Coronal holes are regions of low-density plasma on the Sun that have magnetic fields that open freely into interplanetary space. During times of low solar activity, coronal holes cover the north and south polar caps of the Sun. During more active periods, coronal holes can exist at all solar latitudes, but they may only persist for several solar rotations before evolving into a different magnetic configuration. Ionized atoms and electrons flow along the open magnetic fields in coronal holes to form the high-speed component of the Solar Wind [24a].
Mercury: Dr’s. C. T. Russell and J. G. Luhmann say, “Mercury is of great importance to those studying planetary magnetic dynamos and to those studying planetary magnetospheres. Its importance to the magnetic dynamo problem stems from its being the smallest and most slowly rotating planet with a presently active magnetic dynamo. Its importance to the physics of planetary magnetospheres stems from its lack of a dynamically important atmosphere or ionosphere. Currents generated by the solar wind interaction, which usually close in the ionosphere, cannot close in the same way at Mercury as they do in other planetary magnetospheres. It is thought therefore that the Mercury magnetosphere may be more strongly coupled to the solar wind than is the case for other planetary magnetospheres [25].”
Venus: Venus’ atmosphere is made mainly of carbon dioxide with thick clouds made of sulphuric acid and other atmospheric gases. It has almost no magnetic field but a magnetosphere has been detected. Venus is thought to have an induced magnetosphere where the solar wind interacts directly with the planetary ionosphere [26].
Moon: The air on Earth’s Moon’s is a mix of argon-40, which seeps out of the ground due to radioactive decay in the lunar interior while elements such as helium, sodium, and potassium are blown off the lunar surface by solar wind. I propose that this discharge will leave the lunar sphere via an auroral oval that sits above the positive pole.
Based on data from India’s Chandrayaan-1 Luna Probe, a mini-magnetosphere had been observed on the moon and other magnetospheres might be found on the moon perhaps around impact craters [27].
Martin Wieser, a senior scientist at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics says, “The discovery of the moon’s first mini magnetosphere opens the door for finding magnetospheres on smaller bodies, even asteroids [28].”
Mars: Mars produces a weak magnetic field that partly deflects the solar wind leaving the Sciences puzzled as they think that Mars once had a thick atmosphere, but they also think it may have been blown away by the solar wind. NASA is sending a new orbiter to Mars called MAVEN for Mars Atmosphere And Volatile Evolution that should reach Mars around September 2014. I propose that if Mars once had a thick atmosphere then it is likely that it was magnetized and had a magnetosphere and thus auroral ovals. Bruce Jakosky, Principal Investigator for MAVEN says.”MAVEN will determine if loss to space was the most important player in driving Martian climate change [29].”
I propose that if Mars once had a magnetosphere, it is possible that it has not disappeared but it is faint or has been distorted to the point that it is currently unrecognizable.
A University of California at Berkeley, Press Release says, “Though Mars lacks a global protective magnetic shield like that of the Earth, strong localized magnetic fields imbedded in the crust appear to be a significant barrier to erosion of the Mars atmosphere by the solar wind [30].”
Dr. Percy Seymour, in his book Dark Matters: Unifying Matter, Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Universal Grid, says about data from Mars Global Surveyor; “The new data show that where the localized surface magnetic fields are strong, the ionosphere reaches to a higher altitude, indicating that the solar wind is being kept at bay [31].”
If Dr. Anne Hofmeister and the nebula hypothesis is right, then Mars, Venus and Earth’s moon can have a cloud with a polarized magnetosphere and auroral ovals. I propose that these planets might have an electromagnetic disbursement and capture mechanism and that is through auroral ovals.
Jupiter: Jupiter is a gas giant that rotates very rapidly generating strong magnetic fields in its interior that are surrounded by a giant magnetosphere that contains moons like Ganymede that possess its own magnetic field creating a mini-magnetosphere within Jupiter’s much larger magnetosphere [32].
On Jupiter the solar wind plays a lesser role than on earth. Electrified sulphur atoms spewed from active volcanoes on Jupiter’s moon Io, follow Jupiter’s magnetic field through its auroral oval until they crash into Jupiter’s upper atmosphere, setting it aglow with color.
Rapid spinning inside Jupiter’s ionosphere and magnetic field causes a rotational motion that dominates the magnetosphere. Millions of amperes of electricity flow between the magnetosphere and ionosphere creating currents powerful enough to generate an auroral oval around each pole.
Saturn: Saturn’s auroral oval is similar to that of Earth with auroral crowns that are created by fluctuations in the solar wind [33]. Saturn’s upper atmosphere is dominated by hydrogen gas causing it to glow deep ruby red when excited by incoming electrons, unlike the more common green auroras produced by oxygen molecules here on earth. The inflowing auroral oval at Saturn’s negative pole takes in large quantities of sulfur emitted from its moon Titan.
Saturn like Jupiter is a gas giant that rotates very rapidly generating strong magnetic fields in its interior that are surrounded by a giant magnetosphere that contain moons. Saturn’s moon Enceladus has an auroral oval.
Uranus: Uranus is mostly made of rock and ice. The polar regions are the warmest places on the planet. Due to the unique rotation of Uranus, scientists are currently not sure which of the poles is negatively charged [34].
Neptune: The composition of Neptune is assumed to be close to Uranus’ and made mostly of hydrogen and helium gases. The winds on Neptune can reach up to 2000km/hr., the fastest winds out of all the planets in the solar system [35]. These winds should put strong pressure on the outgoing auroral oval.
Pluto: Although little is known about the atmosphere of Pluto, scientists guess that it is made of nitrogen and a mix of carbon monoxide and methane and likely has a magnetic field [36]. Unfortunately, with Pluto losing its planetary status new exploration effort is not expected. Existing data should be re-examined.
Earth: Earth’s northern auroral oval has a continuous curtain around its outer edge. This curtain is half a kilometer thick and extends for many thousands of kilometers somewhere in the order of 20,000 kilometers [37]. Within this curtain, you will find the Northern Lights with their varying intensities caused by a high-vacuum electrical discharge within the mixture flowing through the auroral oval via the auroral curtain; an electric dynamo releasing into Earth’s atmosphere.
The entrance surface of Earth’s auroral oval contains about 3 million square kilometers while the auroral curtain contains about 10,000 square kilometers of entrance surface. The auroral curtain extends downward 100 kilometers giving it a volume of one million cubic kilometers of dynamic interaction between the magnetic field of Earth, the Interplanetary Magnetic Field and the solar wind.
The auroral curtain hangs down into Earth’s atmosphere reaching an elevation 60 miles off the surface of the earth. Another 10 miles closer to the surface of the earth, noctilucent clouds circle the globe [38].
The area below the Earth’s northern auroral oval is a region of heating and strong winds that carry the inflow into the ionosphere and upper atmosphere. The Auroral oval is fixed with respect to the Sun while the Earth rotates under the auroral oval. The geographic pattern of the auroral oval discharge changes as Earth rotates explaining along with solar wind, why auroral light can at times be seen over vast areas [39].
The Earth’s auroral oval is found at the intersection of the Van Allen radiation belt and the ionosphere and is the boundary between the highly stretched almost vertical magnetic field lines of the polar cap and the more normal field lines at lower latitudes [40]. Plasmas and electrons traveling the field lines spiral in and hit the atmosphere, generating light whose colors depend on which chemicals – oxygen, nitrogen, and others – are excited in this process.
On Earth, the sound of the auroral oval is intense emitting radio waves over wide frequencies in the range of 500 – 1600 kHz. When auroral activity increases, more galactic radio noise is absorbed into the ionosphere [41].
The causes of the Aurora have been well studied by Dr.Syun-Ichi Akasofu, when he was Director of the International Arctic Research Center. He and others have brought the implications of the auroral oval and Earth’s magnetic field into view as Earths geomagnetic field becomes one with the interplanetary field. The auroral oval size will vary with the strength and direction of the interplanetary magnetic field.
I propose that the auroral oval is a common denominator that every Astrological Planet possesses. With eleven Astrological Planets (Earth included), there should be at least twenty-two auroral ovals in our Solar System breathing in inter-planetary chemicals and building blocks and discharging planetary influenced complexities back into our solar system. Time will only find more complexities of interaction as more auroral ovals are located.
The intake and discharge interaction happens with varying degrees of pressure applied to the auroral ovals by the continuous never stopping solar wind made up of electrically charged particles. The almost constantly changing solar wind affects the voltage of the auroral generator and changes the electric and magnetic fields around Earth. There are several measuring devises being used today, but no one seems to be looking at a cross section of the flow and its composition [42].
A stream of particles comprised mostly of electrons and protons, flows out from the Sun at speeds of 36,000 kilometers an hour. As it flows out, the solar wind, the result of the hot corona expanding into space accelerates and can reach speeds as high as 3 million kilometers an hour. Ion cyclotron waves made of protons circle around the sun’s magnetic field [43]. They accelerate the solar wind and cause it to heat up as it blows into cold space. Chemical elements of the solar wind such as hydrogen, helium and heavier ions, blow at different speeds and change temperature with direction.
The solar wind usually reaches Earth with a velocity around 1.5 million kilometers an hour [44]. The intensity of the magnetic field hitting Earth is measured at 2–5 nanoteslas. Earth’s surface field is usually 30,000–50,000 nanoteslas. During magnetic storms, flows can be several times more intense while the interplanetary magnetic field may also be much stronger [45].
Earth’s magnetosphere is formed by the impact of the solar wind on the Earth’s magnetic field that forms an obstacle to the solar wind, diverting it, at an average distance of about 70,000 km forming a bow shock [46] 12,000 km to 15,000 km further upstream. The width of the magnetosphere abreast of Earth is typically 190,000 km, and on the night side a long magnetotail [47] of stretched field lines extends to great distances.
The flow pattern of magnetospheric plasma moves from the magnetotail toward the Earth, around the Earth and back into the solar wind through the magnetopause on the day-side taking with it outflow from the southern auroral oval.
The magnetosphere is full of trapped plasma as the solar wind passes the Earth. The flow of plasma into the magnetosphere increases with increases in solar wind density and speed. Some magnetospheric plasma travel down along the Earth’s magnetic field lines and lose energy to the atmosphere in the auroral zones. Magnetospheric electrons accelerated downward by field-aligned electric fields cause the bright aurora features. The un-accelerated electrons and ions cause the dim glow of the diffuse aurora.
Sources for Auroral Oval:
[20] 2001, Northern Lights, The Science, Myth and Wonder of Aurora Borealis,Photography by Calvin Hall and Daryl Pederson with Essay by George Bryson. Available at Amazon.
[21] 2002, 2009, The Northern Lights by Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu pages 77, 145 and 158. Available at Amazon. [22] 2007, Dr.Syun-Ichi Akasofu Exploring the Secrets of the Aurora, page xxv,Volume 346 of the Astrophysics and Space Science Library.
[23] 2000, 2008, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Why Are There Colors in the Aurora, http://ffden-2.phys.uaf.edu/211.fall2000.web.projects/Christina%20Shaw/AuroraColors.html and http://www.space.com/6229-earth-atmosphere-breathes-rapidly-thought.html [24] 2012, September 20, Journal of Geophysical Research, Recirculation of Plasma Sheet Particles Into the High-latitude Boundary Layer, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/98JA02392/abstract;jsessionid=87CF65B232AD6D5FCA014B01CDAFC6CA.f02t02?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=false (24a) 2013 real time, SpaceWeather, What is a Coronal Hole? http://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/help/what-is-a-coronal-hole [25] 1967, C. T. Russell and J. G. Luhmann from Mercury: Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere pages 476-478 originally published in the Encyclopedia of Planetary Sciences http://www-ssc.igpp.ucla.edu/personnel/russell/papers/merc_mag/ [26] 2012, April 5, The European Space Agency, A Magnetic Surprise for Venus Express.: http://sci.esa.int/venus-express/50246-a-magnetic-surprise-for-venus-express/ [27] 2010, April 14, National Geographic Daily News, Mini Magnetic Shield Found On the Moon http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/04/100414-moon-magnetosphere-solar-wind/ [28] 2010, April 14, Martin Wieser, a senior scientist at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, article by Anne Minard, The National Geographic, Daily News. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/04/100414-moon-magnetosphere-solar-wind/ [29] 2013, November 12, NASA Science News, quoting Bruce Jakosky, Principal Investigator for MAVEN at the University of Colorado at Boulder. http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2013/12nov_maven/ [30] 2000, December 15, A University of California at Berkeley, Press Release by Robert Sanders. [31] 2008, Dark Matters: Unifying Matter, Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Universal Grid, 2008 by Dr. Percy Seymour, Senior Planetarium Lecturer, Royal Observatory, Greenwich (now retired). http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Matters-Unifying-Matter-Universal/dp/1601630069/ref=la_B001JP9TKM_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1383853913&sr=1-3 [32] 2011, February 7, NASA, Jupiter’s Magnetosphere: The Largest in the Solar System, http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/scitech/display.cfm?ST_ID=1589 [33] 2004, June 30, NASA-JPL About Saturn and It’s Moons http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/science/index.cfm [34] 2008, NASA , Uranus Read More, http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Uranus&Display=OverviewLong [35] 2013, May 15, Charles Q. Choi, Space.com, How the Mighty Winds of Uranus and Neptune Blow, http://www.space.com/21157-uranus-neptune-winds-revealed.html 2013, May 16, Researchers Find Winds on Uranus Confined to Thin Atmospheric Layer, http://phys.org/news/2013-05-uranus-neptune-confined-thin-atmosphere.html 2013 July 15, SolStation, Neptune Breaking News, http://www.solstation.com/stars/neptune.htm [36] 2013, Windows to the Universe, A Look at Pluto’s Possible Magnetosphere, http://www.windows2universe.org/pluto/magnetosphere.html [37] 2011-2013, University of Berkley, Themis http://cse.ssl.berkeley.edu/artemis/mission-aurora-explain.html [38] 2013, June 7, NASA, Noctilucent Clouds Get An Early Start, http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2013/07jun_nlcs/ 2013, December 19, NASA, Electric-blue Clouds Appear Over Antartica, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHpxD807kM4 [39] 2006, April 23, NASA, The History of Auroral Substorms, http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/themis/auroras/substorm_history.html [40] 2012-8-8, Encyclopedia Britannica, Ionosphere and Magnetosphere, http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1369043/ionosphere-and-magnetosphere and 2013, September 30, NASA, Van Allen Probes: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/rbsp/main/index.html [41] 2002, 2009, The Northern Lights by Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu page 107. Available at Amazon. [42] 2013 real time, Instant space data: http://www.solarham.net/data.htm [43] 2013, March 8, NASA, Ion Cyclotron Waves: Solar Wind Energy Source Discovered, http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2013/08mar_solarwind/ [44] 1999-01-03, NASA, The Source of the Solar Wind Discovered, http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/hotshots/1999_01_03/ [45] 2002-10-22, NASA, Interplanetary Magnetic Field Lines, http://www-spof.gsfc.nasa.gov/stargaze/Simfproj.htm [46] 2013, Chinese Academy of Science, Earth’s Magnetopause and Bow Shock http://eng.sepc.ac.cn/MBS.php [47] 2001, November 25, NASA, The Tail of the Magnetosphere, http://www-spof.gsfc.nasa.gov/Education/wtail.html
Space Transference
Between the planets, is an impressionable medium affected by the weight of passing spheres of energy. The weight of energy upon this impressionable medium creates magnetic waves [48].
Richard Feynman, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics (1965) [49] “If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be destroyed and only one sentence passed on to the next generation of creatures, what statement would contain the most information in the fewest words? I believe it is the atomic hypothesis that: All things are made of atoms – little particles that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each other when they are a little distant apart but repelling upon being squeezed into one another. In that one sentence, you will see, there is an enormous amount of information about the world, if just a little imagination and thinking are applied”
I propose that these atoms escape from every planet in our solar system by leaving through the auroral ovals to enter interplanetary space where energy push gives way to magnetic pull.
American astronomer, Professor Henry Norris Russell, of Princeton, said in the Scientific American for November 1929, when talking about Einstein’s contribution [50]. “The central fact which has been proved— and which is of great interest and importance— is that the natural phenomena involving gravitation and inertia (such as the motions of the planets) and the phenomena involving electricity and magnetism (including the motion of light) are not independent of one another, but are intimately related, so that both sets of phenomena should be regarded as parts of one vast system, embracing all Nature. The relation of the two is, however, of such a character that it is perceptible only in a very few instances, and then only to refined observations.”
Sources for Space Transference:
[48] 2012, April 11, Rhythmodynamics – Matter is Made of Waves: http://www.rhythmodynamics.com/Gabriel_LaFreniere/ [49] 1965, Six Easy Pieces page 4, Feyman,http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1965/feynman-lecture.html
[50] 1929, November, Scientific American.
Planetary Dispersion
On Earth, we have a fairly constant and consistent large scale structure that facilitates atmospheric circulation, the large scale movement of air. The wind belts surrounding our planet are broken into three longitudinal circulation cells [51]:
- Hadley Cell (Cardinal): The Hadley Cell is a high volume closed circulation loop, where the vast bulk of vertical motion that occurs is similar in motion to the astrological Cardinal activity. Moist air is lifted aloft in the inter-tropical convergence zone to the troposphere and carried to the poles.
- Ferrel Cell (Mutable): The Ferrel Cell is similar in motion to the astrological Mutable activity as it is the circulation facilitator for the high and low pressure areas. This cell is sometimes known as the “zone of mixing”. The Ferrel Cell is not a closed loop like the Hedley and Polar Cells where the flows are more predictable. The Ferrel Cell is the movement of air masses influenced by the jet stream that I propose has been influenced by an auroral oval flow.
- The Polar Cell (Fixed): The Polar Cell is a stable area that strengthens and weakens, driven by lower latitude warm air and undergoes enough convection to drive a thermal loop. The Polar Cell is similar in motion to the astrological Fixed activity. The cold air in the polar areas mixes with the auroral flow and drops as cold dry high pressure moving away from the poles to travel westward. This downward outflow creates harmonic waves in the atmosphere know as Rossby waves.
Rossby waves, (often called planetary waves) are very long high frequency westward moving waves that guide the path of the jet stream traveling the troposphere and enter the Ferrel Cell. Rossby waves are found both in the atmosphere and in the oceans [52].
Between these three cells is an overall atmospheric motion called zonal overturning circulation [53], a consequence of solar radiation density, that like an astrological Cusp merges the cells together at their outer perimeters.
There are vast ocean currents like the Pacific Ocean Cell, an entirely ocean based circulation cell that
flows below the atmospheric wind circulation cells, affecting our weather as energy is transferred from ocean to atmosphere. This is where El Nino and La Nina are born [54].
In these days of extreme weather, life here on earth is easily disrupted by energy from our atmosphere that has come through the auroral oval. Energy is transferred from our atmosphere to human life here on earth. I propose that this energy carries signatures from all the planets in our solar system.
The planets are dispersing all the time and our planet Earth is receiving all the time. The cyclical nature of the planets may cause increases and decreases to the dispersing and receiving.
Can we go so far as to say that something transported through space from Saturn has reached Earth and is playing a role in our weather? Possibly, but we will only know for sure when science produces a cross section of the inflow of Earth’s northern auroral oval. A cross section that identifies quality and quantity and originating source.
Can we go further and say that something in our atmosphere that has arrived from a planet in our solar system is affecting our health? Possibly, if we are breathing our atmosphere then we are breathing in part what has come through the auroral oval, the gateway to the other planets of our solar system.
Magnetism and electricity are all around us. The human body is composed of a high quantity of water making it an excellent receptor and conductor of magnetic electricity energy. Science has recently discovered that magnetotactic bacteria contain inside them chains of very small single crystals of magnetite. These chains line up with the Earth’s magnetic field and the bacteria themselves are then also aligned, unable to rotate away from this fixed direction, but confined to travel up and down a magnetic field line [55]. Growth of such mineral structures inside living organisms is called biomineralization. Examples of this process of mineral growth include the formation of shells and bone [56].
Since I wrote the first draft of this theory, I have received comments and suggestions from several prominent astrologers. I have tried to incorporate all that I have received and clarify my position and thinking. Any errors are mine. Any incompleteness is my inability at this time to find scientific evidence. The purpose of this theory is to open future thought on the electromagnetic connections between planets and interplanetary space and the ramifications for life on Earth.
Sources for Planetary Dispersion:
[51] 2013, August 1, North Carolina State University,General Circulation of the Atmosphere, http://www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu/edu/k12/.atmosphere_circulation
[52] Columbia University, Kelvin and Rossby Waves, http://iri.columbia.edu/climate/ENSO/theory/waves.html [53] Science Daily, Atmospheric Circulation, http://www.sciencedaily.com/articles/a/atmospheric_circulation.htm [54] 2010, January 27, arstechnica, Understanding Deep Ocean Circulation and Climate Modeling, http://arstechnica.com/science/2010/01/understanding-deep-ocean-circulation-and-climate-modeling/University of Wisconsin, Ocean Circulation and Atmospheric Circulation, http://www4.uwsp.edu/geo/faculty/ritter/geog101/textbook/circulation/ocean_circulation.html
University of Oregon, The Hydrosphere an overview http://jersey.uoregon.edu/~mstrick/hydrosphere/hydro_overview.html
[55] Blundell, Stephen, 2012, July 5, Magnetism: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University, Kindle Edition pages 1491-96 [56] Blundell, Stephen, 2012, July 12, Magnetism: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, Kindle Edition pages 1495-1500
“I would like to thank the following astrologers whose comments helped guide A Theory of Continuous Planetary Interaction to publication. Firstly, Bruce Scofield in the USA, who watered the original seeds and caused me to start writing. Robert Currey in the UK, for his exceptionally strong and unending support. John Rutherford in Canada, who tried to keep me on a scientific track. Robin Armstrong in Canada, who gave early encouragement. Chand Karan Ahuja B.Sc in India, who brought a tear to my eye. Michael Erlewine in the USA, who reminded me that it is all about people. Jagdish C. Maheshri, Ph.D. in the USA, for his kindness in helping prepare the final version for publication. And, thanks to all who offered support to my efforts.”