Astrology Books in the Vatican Library 1995, Part 2

RASA School of Astrology:

Astrology Books in the Vatican Library 1995

(Part 2 of 4),  By Robin Armstrong

Gaurico, Luca, vesc. di Citta Ducale, 1476-1558

Tomus 11 Operum Lucae Gaurici … comprehendens Isagogicam praeceptionem seu doctinam totius praedictivae astrologiae … item erctionem figurae coelestia eiusdemq; rectificationem … item tabulas de primo mobili … Basileae

(s.l. s.a.)


Vol.11 of Works of Luca Gaurico containing isagogie teaching of doctrine of the whole predictive astrology. Erection of celestial figures of the same; rectification and tables of the prime movements.


v. ill. 31.5 cm


S. Offizio 339




Gaurico, Luca, vesc. di Citta Ducale, 1476-1558

Praedictiones super omnibus futuris luminarium deliquiis, in fnitore Venetiano, anno MDXXX!!! eaminatae. Figurae coelestes Venetiarum, Bononiae, & Florentiae. Paraphrases, & annotations in Claudii Ptolomaei libro 11. Apotelematum super luminum eclypsibus. Procli Diadochi Lycii Decreta eclypsium utriusque luminaris, quae in quolibet signorum decano accidere possunt. Interpete Laurentio Miniatense. Roma [Antonius Baldus excudebat] 1539


Predictions concerning all future eclipses, 1539.


Racc. l. IV. 572



Gaurico, Luca, vesc. di Citta Ducale, 1476-1558

Tabulae de primo mobili, quas diretionum voctitant … quibus annectitur tractstus iudicandi omnium aphetarum apotelesmata … Romae, 1557.


Tables of the Prime Mobile … 1557


(8) p., 87, 43 f.num. 19.5 cm


S. Offizio 51



Gaurico, Luca, vesc. di Citta Ducale, 1476-1558

Tractatus astrologiae iudiciarae de nativitatibus virorum & mulierum … addito in fine libello Antonij de Montulm de eadem re, cum annotationibus Ioannis de Regiomonte … Norimbergae, 1540.


Tractate of Judicial astrology, on the nativities of men and women. 1540


(155) p. 20.5 cm

Racc. gen. Scienze IV. 971int. 1



Gaurico, Luca, vesc. di Citta Ducale, 1476-1558

Lucae Gavrici … tractatvs astrolgoievs in quo agitur de praetoritis multorum hominum accidentibus per proprias corum genituras ad unguem examinatis. Quorum exemplis consimilibus vnusquis, de medio genethliacus vaticinari poterit de futguris, quippe qui per uarios casus artum experientia fecit ejemplo monstrante uiam … Venteéis, apud Curtium-Troianum Naud, 1552


Astrological tractate dealing with past accidents of many men precisely examined through their own births … 1552


5 p. 1., 122 numb. 1. incl. diagrs 21 1/2 cm

Racc. gen. Scienze V. 488



Gaurico, Luca, vesc. di Citta Ducale, 1476-1558

Trattato d’astrologia iivdiciaria sopra le natiuita degli huomini, and donne (Colophon: Stampata in Roma, in Campo di Fiore, per M. Valerio Dorico, & Luigi fratelli brisciani, nel anno M.D. XXXIX)


Tractate of judicial astrology concerning the births of men and women. (Rome 1539)


56 p. ill. 18 cm


Racc. gen. Scienze V. 484



Gessmann, Gustav Wilhelm, 1860

Die Geheimsymbole der Alchymie, Arzneikunde und Astrologie des Mittelalters. Eine Zusaqmmenstellung der von den Mystikern und Alchymisten gebrauchten gehelmen Zeichenschrift, nebst einem kurzgefassten geheim wissenschaftenschrift Lexikon, von G.W. Gessman. 2. durchgesehene und erganzte Aufl. Mit 122 lithographierten Tafeln. Berlin, K. Seigismund, 1922


Secret symbols of alchemy, pharmacognosis and astrology of the Middle Ages. A compendium of secret signs used by mystics and alchemists. (Berlin, 1922)


68, cxx, 32, (2) p., 1 f. ill. 22 cm

Scienze I- 17 Cons. Va 38-1367



Giovanni da Capistrano

Il sensibile influsso degli astri convintgo di falsita. Dissertazione fisico-critica di F. Giovanni da Capistrano … Roma, 1796.


The sensible influence of stars proven false. Rome 1796


xv, (1), 254 p. 22 cm


Mai XI.P.III 7



Giuntini, Francesco

De divinatione quae fit per astra … Coloniae, 1580.


On divination made by stars.


1580 158 p. 16 cm

Barb. N. XI. 128(2)



Giuntini, Francesco

Speculum astrologiaae …. Luduni, 1581


Mirror of astrology. Luduni, 1581


2 v. ill. 36 cm


Barb. N. XI. 64-65




Goclenius, Rudolph, 1572-1621

Urania cum geminis filiabus, hoc est stronomia et astrologia speciali, nunc primo in lucem emigrans … Francofurti, excudebat Ioanne Bringerus, sumptibus Petri Muscali, 1615.


Urania (Muse of Astronomy) with twin daughters i.e. special astronomy and astrology (Frankfurt 1615)


327 p. 15 cm


Barberini N. XI. 102



Gressmann, Hugo, 1877-1927

Die hellenistische Gestirnreligion … Mit 4 Tafeln. Leipzig, J.C. Hinriche, 1925.


The Hellenistic Star Religion. 1925


31, (1) p. tav. 24.5 cm


R.G. Miscell.III 727 int. 5



Gundel, Wilhelm

Dekane und dekansternbilder; ein beitrag zur geschichte der sternbilder der kulturvolker. Mit einter untersuchung uber die igyptischen sternbilder und gottheiten der dekane von S. Schott. Cluckstadt und Hamburg. J.J. Augustin, 1936.


No translation. 1936

x, 451 (i. e. 453) (1) p. incl…25 cm


Inghilt. XIII  32 (19) cons.



Hauber, Anton 1879

Planetenkinderbilder und sternbilder zur geschichte des menschlichen glaubens und irrens, von a. Hauber; mit 51 grossenteils Ulmer handschriften entnommenon abbildungen auf 36 tafeln. Strassburg, Heitz, 1916.


No translation. 1916


xvi, 290 p., 1 1. xxxvi pl. 25 cm

Paleogr. VII 112 cons.



Trismegistus, Hermes

Neue astrologische texte des Hermes Trismegistos; funde und forschungen auf dem gebiet der antiken astronomie und astrologie, von Welhelm Gundell … Munchen, Verlag der Bayerischen akademie der wiseenschaften, 1936.


No translation. 1936


vii, 378 p. ill. 29,5 cm


Baviera VIII 4 n.f. 12 cons.



Holywood, John, m.1244  o1256

Textus de Sphera Johannis de Sacroboaco … cu copositione Anuli astronomicic Boni Latensis … (Parisij, 1507).


Text on the Sphere of John of Sacrobosco, with the composition of the astronomical ring of Bonus Latensis (Paris, 1507).


(63) p. ill. 29 cm


Vat. lat. 4603



Hubner, Wolfgang

Die Eigenschaften der Tierkreiszeichen in der Antike. Ihre Darstellung und Verwendung unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des Manilius. Wiesbaden, F. Steiner, 1982.


No translation. 1982


x, (1), 646 p. ill. 24 cm


Scienze VI 4 A (22) Cons.



Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir (Aben Ezra), 1092/3-1167

Abrahe Auenaris judei astrologi peritissimi in re fudiciali opera: ab excellentissimo philospho Petro de Abanao post accurata; castigationem in latinum traducta. Introductorium quod diciture principium sapientie. Liber interrogationum. Liber electionum Liber luminarium& eft de cognitione diel cretici ieu de cogntione caufe crifis. Libe coniunctionum planetarum & reuolutionum annor. Mundi qui dictur de mundo vel feculo. Tratatus infuper quidam particulares eiuidem Abrahe. Leber de confuetudinibus in iudicijs astorum & eft centiloquium.


No translation.


R.G. Filos.IV-802 int. 6 Va 33-46



Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir (Aben Ezra), 1092/3-1167

Abrahe Auenaris judaei astrologi peritissimi in re iudiciali opera: (1507) (Scheda 2). Bethen breue admodum. Eiusdem de horis planetarum. (Colophon: Venetijs, ex officina Petri Liechtenstein,1507)


No translation. 1507


xevi f. num. 22, 5 cm


BF. 1680.18 int. 6 Va 33-46 riv.



Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir (Aben Ezra), 1092/3-1167

In re iudiciali opera, Petro de Abano edente et translatore. Contenuto: Liber de consuetudinibus in iudiciiis, astrorum idest Centiloguium Bethen. Eiuedem de horis planetarum. Venezia, Petrus Liechtenstein: 1507, pridie Kasl.iun.


Ibn Ezra (Aben Ezra) Abraham ben Meir 1092/3-1167 works on judicial astrology, edited and translated by Peter of Abano. Contents: Book of Customs in judgements of the stars, i.e. Centiloguium and On the Hours of the Planets of Bethen. (Venice, 1507)


Stamp. Barber. N.XII.2 (1)



Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir (Aben Ezra), 1092/3-1167

Abrahami Ivdaei Tractatvs de nativitatibvs per Lvcam Gavricvm Geophonensem. Castigatus, & in ordinem redactus, atq; recognitus, cum infinitis propemodum annotationibus. (Roma 7, s.e.) 1545.


Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir. Tractate on the nativities of Abraham the Jew, reduced to order and revised, with an infinity of annotations, by Luke Guaricus Geophrenses (Rome 1545).


(35) f. non num. ill. 20cm


Stamp. Barber. N.XII.131 (1)



Ibn al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, m 967

Alkabitius Astronomie indiciarie principia tractans, cum Joannis Saxonij commentario ordine textus nuperirima distincto. Additis annotatio onibus … atque glossa per magistrum Petrum Turrelum … cum tratatulo de cognoscendis infirmitibus …[Lugduni, s.a.]


No  translation.


Palatini IV 539 int.2



Ibn al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, m 967

Preclaru sumi in astroru scientia principis Alchabitij opus ad ferutanda stellaru magifteria ifagogicu pristino candori nuperrime restitutu ab excellentissimo doctore Antonio de Fantis taruisino qui notabile auctoris libellu de planetar. Cointioibus nufq3 antea ipreffum addidit & pleraq3 scitu dignissima cu3 castigatissimo Ioanis de Saxonia cometario. Venetiis, in edibus Petri Liechtenstein, 1521.


No  translation.


Racc. Gen. Filos. 809.  int.5  cons.  Va 33-77


Ibn al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, m 967

Preclaru sumi in astroru scientia principis Alchabitij Opus … 1521


64p num. 111  22.5 cm


Racc. Gen. Filos. 809.  int.5  cons.



Ibn al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, m 967

Astrologie ,  Fanti Antonio, ed.,  Dank, Johan

Venetiis, Sessa & de Ravanis, 1521


Barb. N.XII.28



Indagine, Johannes ab.

Chiromantia. 2. Physiognomia, ex aspectu membrorum hominis. 3. Periaxiomata, de faciebus signorvm. 4. Canones astrologigic, de iudicijs Aegritudinum. 5. Asrologia natvralis. 6. Complexionum noticia, iuxta dominium planetarum. Autore Ioan Indagine.

Lugduni, 1531


Indagine, John, from Chiromancy. 2. Physiognomy, from the appearance of the members of a man 3. Periaxiomata, concerning the appearances of signs 4. Canons of astrology,  concerning judgements of illnesses 5. Natural astrology  6. Knowledge of complexions


1531 137, (1) p. ill. 27.5 cm.


Cicognara V 2444



Indagine, Johannes ab.

Introductiones apotelesmatice elegantes, in chyromantiam, physionomiam, astrologiam naturalem, complexiones hominum, naturas planetarium … autore Ioan. Indagine. Lugduni, 1556.


Indagine, John. from elegant apotelosmatic introductions in chiromancy, physiognomy, natural astrology, the complexions of men, the natures of the planets (Lugduni, 1556).


186 p. ill. 17 cm.


Palatina V 607 (1) bis



Glogaviensis, Iohannes Died 1507

Tractatus preclarissimus in iudicijs asstror, de mutatioibus aeeris/ceterisq3 accidentibus fingulis annis euenientibus / luxta priscor. sapietuq3 sententias per magistrn I.G. per q3 vtilissime ordinatus atq3; nouiter bene reuifus. Colophon: Carcouie, p Florianu & Wolfgangu, 1514.


John of Glogow d. 1507.  Most excellent tractate on judgements of the stars, on the mutations of the air, and concerning other accidents happening each year, according to previous and wise sentences by Master John G. most usefully arranged and newly well


71, p. ill. 22.5 cm


R.G. Filos. IV 802 Int. 1 Va 35-414



Kancaf el Yndio

Kancaf el Yndio sulle ventotto mansioni lunari. Palermo, Montaina, 1959.


Lunar Mansions. 1959


R.G. Scienze III  795 int. 7




Kouo-pou 276-324

Yu-tchao-ting-tchen-King (Il libro dell’astrologia). Shang-hai, 1935.


No Translation.


Racc. Gen. Oriente V 1122




Kunitzsch, Paul

Mittelalterliche astronomisch – astrologische Glossare mit arabischen Fachausdrucken. Munchen, Verlag der bayerischen Akademi der Wissenschaften, 1977.


No Translation.


58, (1) p. 22 cm Baviera XIII 2 (1977) cons.




Kunitzsch, Paul

Mittelalterliche astronomisch-astrologische … Munchen, 1977 (Scheda 2)

58. “Verzeichnis der arabischen Fachausdrucke.” P. 52-53. 1. Astronomia medievale. 2.Astrologia. 3. Lingua araba – glossary. Vocaolari, acc. 1. Titolo  1977


No Translation.


Baviera XIII 2 (1977) cons.




Lemnius, Levinus, 1505-1568

Similitvdinvm ao parabolarvm, qvae in Bibliis ex herbis atque arboribus desumuntur, dilucida explicato … auctore Levino Lemnio. Seorsvm accesservnt de gemmis aliqvot, iis praesertim qvarvm d. Ioannes apostolus in sua Apocalipsi mominit .. auctore Francisco Rveo… Item Levini Lemnii De astrologia lib I. Francofvrti, apud Nicolaum Hoffmannum , 1608


Clear explanation of similtudes and parables in the books of the Bible taken from herbs and trees: On several gems, principally those which the Apostle John, names in the Apocalypse by F. Rueo. On astrology, book l, by L. Lemnius (Frankfurt 1608).


1608 8 f.p., 288 p. 13 cm


Racc. Gen. Medicina VI-137 int. 3



Author Unknown

Liber novem iudicum in iudicijs astrorum) as above

Book of nine judges in judgements of the stars (Venice 1509).


1509 6 f.p., 96 f. num. 21 cm.


Barb. N.VII. -92




Liebhard, Joachim, ed.

Astrologia quorum titules uersa pagella indicabit … norimbergae, apud io. Petrolum, 1532 . Tuato greco, conc traduzione latina in fine. Lettere dedicatorie dell’editore Ioachim Liebhard (Camerarius). “Vestil Valentis Anitcchemi ex primo libro Floridum.


Liebhard, Joachim, ed. Astrologies whose titles the overleaf indicates (Nuremberg, 1532).


6 f.p. 46,45 (i.e55) p. 21 cm.


Palat. IV.1059 (2)



Ma Sha Allah, al -Miari.

Liber nouem iudicum in iudicijs astrorum. Clarissimi auctores istius voluminis: Megehela, Aemar, Alkindus, Zael, Albenait, Dorotheus, Iergis, Aristoteles, Ptholemeus. (Venetiis, ex officina Petri Liechtenstein) 1509.


Book of nine judges in judgements of the stars: Mesehella, Aomar, Alkindi, Zael, Albenait, Dorothy, Iergis, Aristotle, Ptolemy (Venice, 1509).


1509 6 f.p., 96 f.num. 22 cm.


R.I.IV. 16131613



Martin, Jacques, O.S.B.

Explication de divers monumens singulieres, qui ont rapport a la religion des plus anciens peuples. Avec l’examen de la dernier ed. des Ouvrages de S. Jerome, & un traite sur l’astrologie judiciare. Ouvrage enrichi de figures en taille-douce, par le R.P  dom … Paris 1739


Explanation of various things which were reported by ancient peoples with examination of the writings of S. Jerome, Paris 1739


[3],lxvi, 487, [1] p. ill., tav. (p.te.pieg.)   26 cm.


Cicognara V 4725



Mizauld Antoine

Planetologia, rebus astronomicis, medicis et philosophicis erudite referta … Lugduni, 1551.


Planetologies, eruditely replete with things astronomical, medical and philosophical (Lugduni  1551).


(8),97,(1)p. 22.5 cm.


Racc.gen. Science IV.1049




Niccoullaud, Charles, 1854-1925

Manuel de’astrologie spherique et judiciare … Paris, vigot freres, 1897.


Manual of Spherical and Judicial Astrology. …Paris 1897


332 p. 19.5 cm.


Science 2 of cons. Va 37.1810?




Nifo, Agostino c. 1473-1538

De auguriis libri 11, nec non de diebus criticis liber l … his accesserunt uraniae divinatricis, quad astrologiae generalia, libri ll, jam primo in lucem evolantes, alas suppeditante Rodolpho Goclenio … Marpurgi, 1614.


On Auguries, book II. On the critical days, book I with 2 books of Urania, divinatrix ed. R. Goclenius (Marburg, 1614).


4 f.p., 143, 150 p. 19,5 cm.


Racc. Gen. Filosofia  V 778



Nifo, Agostino c. 1473-1538

Eutici Augustini Niphi Philotei Suessani de nostrarum calamitatu; causis liber ad Oliveriu Carasa; Venetijs, 1505.


Book on the causes of our calamities, addressed to Oliver Carasa (Venice, 1505).


33 f. num. ill. 33 cm.


R.l. II  89 (int.3) Va 39-414




Nourry, Emile Dominique, 1870-1935

L’astrologie populaire etudiee specialement dans les doctrines et les traditiones relatives a l’influence de la Lune. Essai sur la methode dans l’etude du folklore des opinions et des croyances. Paris, E. Nourry, 1937.


A popular astrology study specializing in the doctrines and traditions relative to the traditions of the Moon.  Including the study of folklore with its opinions and beliefs. Paris, 1937


464 p. 25.5 cm.


R.G. Science111 821



Onofri, Fedele

Fioretti d’astrologia … Il tutto raccolto da M. Fedele Honofri … in viterbo, appresso il discapaolo, 1628.


No translation. 1628


16 p. 18 cm.


Capponi V.682 int.112




Origanus, David.

Astrologia natvralis, siuc tractatus de effectibvcs astrorvm absolvtissimvs …. Massiliae, 1645.


Natural Astrology, or most absolute tractate on the effects of the stars. (Marseille, 1645).


18 f.p., 454, (2)p. diagr. 23 x 17.5 cm.


S. Offizio10 bis




Panofsky, Erwin / Fritz, Saxl

Durers Melencolia l, eine quellen und typengeschichtliche untersuchung. Leipzig, Berlin, B.B. Teubner, 1923.


No Translation. 1. Durer, Albrecht, 1741-1528  2. Melancholy.   3. Symbolism.  4. Astrology. 1923


160 p. 27 cm.


Inghilt. X111 32 (2)



Panofsky, Erwin / Fritz, Saxl

Durers Melencolia l, 1923


No Translation. 1. Durer, Albrecht, 1741-1528  2. Melancholy.   3. Symbolism.  4. Astrology.


160 p. 27 cm.


Inghilt. X111 32 (2)




Parker, Martha Ellen

A study of the law from nature and the bible, by Martha E. Parker. (Richmond, Calif) The author (c1926).


2 f.p. 333 p. ritr. 23 cm.


Racc. gen. Filosofia  IV 1177



Paviot, Auguste

L’astral des Plantes ; introduction aux nombres theosophiques, par le professeur Paviot. Paris, Rhea, 1922.


Introduction to theosophical numbers of plantes by Prof. Paviot. Paris, 1922.


55, 2, p. ill. 25.5 cm.


R.G. philosopfia111 177 Va 36-1121