2022 Aquarius New Moon – Northern Hemisphere

Editor: Robin Armstrong

Editor: Robin Armstrong

The New Moon

When your feelings about the past, memories, and your sense of security

conjunct or meet up with

Your confidence,  purposefulness, and your hopes for the future

A profound impression is made.

A note on the harp of the soul.

A seed moment in celestial manifestation.

The Horoscope for the New Moon is for the exact moment of the New Moon.

There are no houses in this chart because the Moon is in all 12 houses at the same time when viewed globally. So this is the true New Moon chart for anywhere on earth. You can add the houses to it according to where you live.

Most computer printouts will draw the horoscope with the houses as appropriate for where you are on the planet. This was not done here in order to focus on things valid for everyone on the planet.

New Moons are the peak  points of subjective impressionability in the month.

Receptivity to core insights and to God, are accentuated.

Chanting (or even drumming) on a New Moon will give an extra vitality to your efforts over the following month,

until the next New Moon.

A holy  environment and spiritual companions are a great blessing.

The New Moon accumulates and reflects on all of the experiences of the past month. On the New Moon the conglomerate of experiences past, creates a high tide of intuitive impressions. At the moment the Moon meets the Sun, light is  shone on these impressions creating a new sense of purpose. It is the Sun than effects the Moon.

From our worldly consciousness we cannot see the combination or aggregate of memories, but we can certainly feel it.

Unfortunately our habit patterns are too gross or physical to allow us to attune to this phenomenon consciously, but we certainly can feel it.

Only the initiate or one established in spiritual disciplines can clearly witness the New Moon within.

Zodiac Pattern Types

Zodiac Bundle Type

Aquarius New Moon – Bundle:

Winter is finally upon us in the Northern Hemisphere and the Sun and Moon are set to meet in cerebral Aquarius. The visible moonlight has disappeared and the moments of utter New Moon darkness make way for the potential of deep spiritual contemplation. Although not visible to the naked eye, the Sun meeting the Moon is an energizing time. Memories have started to diminish making room for intelligent new beginnings filled with intuitive insights. Every idea, thought and communication we have been exposed to since the last New Moon will nurture the intuitive impressions about to unfold.

It is a powerful yet sensitive time as this invisible luminosity is being channeled into the Bundle Pattern.

It is the Aquarius’ natural domain to demonstrate restraint and on this New Moon,  Aquarius is delighted to channel its innate self discipline into a few select realms with much determination… exercising its talents to communicate as well as to listen forcefully yet equally well. You know deep inside that seeds planted now will be maturing at a slow yet steady pace into a magnificent harvest to be cherished.

Use this pivotal, mature New Moon energy to free up your spirit while embracing silent darkness and tender new light!



Pentans are five degree divisions of the Zodiac in which the zodiac repeats itself creating a sub-level  of meaning. Sub-pentans divide each 10 degrees of the zodiac into 12 sub-sub-signs adding a third level of meaning. The Zodiac sign is the Main Theme, The Pentan is the Special Focus and the Sub-Pentan is the Intimate Detail.

Zodiac Faces

Today we see

the Face of Strategy

Aries:  The wind will make the fire burn faster and more brightly. Try to impose some strategy on your day or you will run the risk of burning out prematurely. Keep your eye on the clock!

Taurus: Someone will be making plans that are not in your best interest. Do not show your cards. A good bluff will fool your enemies. Accentuate happy thoughts  and move away from serious strategies.

Gemini: Communications will be highlighted. The traffic lights are green. Put your ideas into action but keep alert to the time. Proper delivery and good timing will insure success.

Cancer: You will be out of your element today. This will be a communicative day when  ideas will prevail over feelings. Do not take the humour of the moment to heart.

Leo: In the face of serious strategy new ideas and humour will arise spontaneously. Laugh and the world will laugh with you. Complain and you will complain alone.

Virgo: Do not criticize the strategies of others today or you will meet with more of a backlash than you expect. You will meet with contradiction at every turn. If you are silent it will be hard for anyone to argue with you.

Libra: Communications and networking will continue to be highlighted today. Talk to people. Reach out and get your ideas out. Your strategies will inspire others to action.

Scorpio: Do not read deeper meaning into the words of others today. Talk is cheap but inner depth will be rare! If you reveal any secrets they will be subsequently revealed to all regardless of your objections. Listen but say little.

Sagittarius: Your timing will continue to be off again today. You will put your foot in your mouth at the earliest opportunity. The more you pontificate the more ridiculous you will look.

Capricorn: If you express your strategies today, someone will put them to good use. If you are only thinking about yourself then you may as well keep quiet. The mind will prevail over matter!

Aquarius: A good strategy will be applied in a positive spirit. If you get too serious you will drive your supporters away. Lighten up and express yourself positively. A little laughter never hurt anyone.

Pisces: Your words will not be believed today. The less your say the better. Every time you try to explain your strategies someone will challenge you. Stay aloof. Keep quiet. Don’t be late!

Hexagram Degrees

12 Aquarius 20

Main Theme:

AQU  12°-13° (IC)  INNOCENCE,THE UNEXPECTED: W.25, Line 1: Active.

Special Focus:

12° 20’-12° 30’ Aqu (Ge  IC-lvl2)  POSSESSION IN GREAT MEASURE: W.14, Line 4: Firm.

Intimate Detail:

12° 20’ 00”-12° 21’ 40” Aqu (Ge IC-lvl3)  THE CREATIVE, INDIVIDUAL: W.1, Line 6: Projective.

Main Theme

Special Focus

Intimate Detail

Aspect Hexagrams

Stars By Degree

Earth Longitude by Zodiac Degree

Light of  Qabalah in this Degree

Light of  Qabalah in this Degree

Light of  Qabalah in this Degree

Ancestors by Degree

Movement by Degree

Drumming by Degree

Drumming by Degree

This hexagram reveals the drum rhythm by degree.  Play this  on your own or in a drum circle for the New Moon. Tune into the seed moment of the month. The Base at the red dot should be played louder!

Melodies (Scales) by Degree

Each degree has a very special melody or scale. You can play this with any instrument and tune into the feelings of this New Moon.

Watch the video:

AQU  12°-13° (IC)  INNOCENCE,THE UNEXPECTED: W.25, Line 1: Active.

Chanting by Degrees

Chanting on the New Moon evokes a very special presence.

It is one of the most powerful and sensitive times to chant.

Chanting by Degrees

This is the Chant for the New Moon in Aquarius at 12Aqu 20.  By chanting you will tune into the essence of this New Moon in Aquarius.

——— 5 minutes of call and response chanting

——— 1 minute of continuous chanting

Watch the video:

AQU  12°-13° (IC)  INNOCENCE,THE UNEXPECTED: W.25, Line 1: Active.

RASA01: Foundations of Astrology

A thorough introduction to the horoscope and the basic concepts of astrology. These classes make astrology easy to understand! They represent the foundation of astrological insight.

Access to the RASA Classes and Student Forum where you can watch the videos and interact with other students.

Course Materials pdfs and graphics will be sent to you.

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This is the book that most of the graphics and text for this newsletter have come from.

The RASA School of Astrology site




I Ching Links


How to use your horoscope to access the I Ching. The 64 Hexagrams as a Zodiac of 64 divisions.


The relationship of the three main cycles: the year (sun), the month (moon) and the day (earth) to both the I Ching and astrology.


A site about the I Ching with a good history, and instructions about how to divine a hexagram using yarrow stalks, coins or dice. The mystical Great Treatise that explains the inner depths of the I Ching is also here.


A new interpretation of the I Ching Hexagrams. References to the Superior Man have been removed. In its place the accentuation is on the individual. One does this, one does that, one remains free of blame!


A collection of cosmic connections to the I Ching. How numbers, the Kabbalah, and the seven rays relate to the I Ching, and to many other systems of understanding.


On this site you will find applications of the I Ching to rhythm, melody and to chanting.

This takes the I Ching interpretations beyond the realm of words.


This website is my resume!