Northern Lights of the Canadian Independent Astrologers Order, V1,#1


First Edition, March 21, 1975

Dear Readers

Welcome to the first edition of Northern Lights. Canada’s first Astrology magazine. It is intended to be a creative outlet for Canadian astrologers. We will hare only one article per issue by a guest Astrologer from outside of Canada. In this edition, Noel Tyl, from St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. Is our guest astrologer.

For a start, Northern Lights will be published twice a year – in March and in September. Subscription  rates will be $4.00 for the year (outside of Canada add $1.00) . Members of the Canadian Independent Astrologers Order will automatically receive a subscription to Northern Lights as part of their membership benefits.

We are looking for articles, chart interpretations, opinions, suggestions, art work, poems, etc. for future issues

Advertising rates will be sent on request.

Please write and let us know what you think about Northern Lights.

Yours truly,

Robin Armstrong

Editor, Northern Lights