Fixed Stars and the Natal Horoscope of Carl Jung

Fixed Stars and the Natal Horoscope of Carl Jung

by Robin Armstrong

Carl Jung Birth Data: 26 Jul 1875 9:32 hrs (7.32 pm) LMT, Kesswil, Switzerland – used by his daughter Gret Baumann-Jung who was an astrologer (Data rating: A Accurate data as quoted by the person, kin, friend, or associate)

The Star Chart includes stars and other celestial objects. A listing of each star is not included but the symbol keys can be referenced for reading the star chart. Basically the brighter the star, the closer to the centre it is placed. First magnitude stars are in the first circle outside of the degree grid. Second magnitude stars are next on the inside of the second circle. Third and fourth magnitude stars are next. Fifth, sixth and other phenomena are outside of the two circles.


  Key to Star Symbols

Star Symbol Key


Ten percent of the light in the heavens comes from the stars. While this not enough to proportionally compete with the Sun light and the tropical zodiac, it still provides a very unique and useful indicator. The tropical zodiac reveals the essential nature of life and character. There is no replacement for the Sun and the tropical zodiac. It is the standard of life. What the stars represent is a very specific orientation to points of light and inspiration. Contacts with these special lights will generate an additional energy, and a special sense of orientation and destiny to live up to.

The stars are like wild cards that can influence the affairs of the game of life. Living up to the potentials of one’s natal chart and the tropical zodiac influences is the first standard of life, however, living up to the destiny implied from contact with the stars represents another level of achievement.

The stars are like laser beams that shine down onto earth affecting specifically a small area of about 30 miles in diameter. This was presented by the work of Canadian Astrologer , L. Edward Johndro in his book, “The Stars”. The stars send the special light down to the earth, like a guardian angel. The stars that go over our head are direct positive influences. The stars on the other side of the earth are more subliminal influence.

It is interesting to note that most of Canada’s major cities have a first or second magnitude star going over it, except for Toronto. Toronto has several stars directly under it in the southern hemisphere, but nothing overhead!

In a personal horoscope the stars represent special points of sensitivity and insight. They sit as potentials that we might, if lucky, live up to. They signify points of destiny and you can take them or leave them. “The fault dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves that we are underlings.”

Another prevalent idea associated to the stars comes form their degree of brightness. A first magnitude star is six times brighter than a second magnitude star. A second magnitude star is six times brighter than a third magnitude star, and so on. A first magnitude star is thirty six times brighter than a third magnitude star. Depending on how good your eyesight is, we can usually see stars up to the fourth or fifth magnitude.

This difference in magnitude is outstanding. Some stars are simply much brighter and more noticeable than others.

The first concern with stars in our horoscope should be to see what stars are in conjunction with our sun, moon and planets, as well as other sensitive points like the moon’s nodes and the four angles. The brighter the star is, the stronger the influence or the greater amount of light that will be received. A one degree orb is given for such conjunctions.

Conjunctions with first magnitude stars imply a first magnitude celestial influence.

If someone has conjunctions with several first magnitude stars then they will likely be a first magnitude person. Their life could be more prominent than those with second or third magnitude stars predominating.

Now the subject becomes something of concern for everyone. What is the magnitude of your prominence in life?

For many years the 110 stars used were those by mentioned by Vivian Robson in “Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology“, More recently Michael Erlewine in “Astro Physical Directions” published a list of 745 stars. This list of 745 stars is also in use in Winstar and in Solar Fire. It is suggested that you print out a full copy of the list for easy reference.

There is also a book listing of 745 fixed stars that includes an ephemeris for each star,  “745 Fixed Stars by Degrees: -200BC to 4025 AD at 1 Degree Intervals” and another “745 Fixed Stars: 1900 to 2100 at 25 Year Intervals” both by Robin Armstrong.

Carl Jung’s Stellar Conjunctions

Finding the stars in conjunction with the planets is usually done as a search routine in Solar Fire and Winstar.

Unfortunately, these programs name the stars but don’t give the magnitudes in the search output.


In the listing below, the stars within a one degree orb were selected and manually copied and pasted here.


Star Conjuntions

Longitude(Trp ), Latitude, Magnitude, Name/Notes


238 30 53  +40 00 47        3.79     gamma Hercules

238 37 09 -75 24 15         4.08     alpha Chamael eon

238 39 10  -10 00 53         3.80     tau Libra

238 51 03  -42 34 41         0.06     alpha Centaurus, TOLIMAN, double

239 25 31  -25 14 19         3.74     epsilon Lupus, double, spectroscopic

239 43 49 -68 04 39         4.10     gamma Chamaeleo

240 03 44 -32 49 27         3.50     zeta Lupus

AC= 1AQ33

300 33 26  +48 58 22        3.24     beta Cygnus, ALBIREO, double

301 04 13  +29 18 18        0.89     alpha Aquila

301 43 41  +26 40 16        3.90     beta Aquila, ALSHAIN, double


058 33 17  +30 37 59        4.17     iota Perseus

058 40 32  -58 32 18         5.08     beta Caelum

058 42 50  +04 11 05        3.81     Taurus, ELECTR

058 43 57  -27 27 38         4.14     omicron one Eridanus, BEID

058 44 11  +04 21 36        5.43     16 Taurus, CALAENO

058 47 44  -50 56 37         4.59     upsilon one Eridanus

058 51 59  +04 30 47        4.37     Taurus, TAYGETA

058 58 56  +04 23 05        4.02     Taurus, MAIA

059 00 03  +03 57 02        4.25     Taurus, MEROPE

059 02 29  +04 33 47        5.85     Taurus, ASTEROPE

059 11 04  -51 49 23         3.88     upsilon Eridanus, THEEMIN

059 17 30  +04 02 45        2.96     eta Taurus, ALCYONE, (25), the Pleiades

059 19 30  +34 31 28        3.08     gamma Perseus, spectroscopic double

059 23 50  +64 39 45        3.42     gamma Cepheus, ALRAI

059 31 44  -28 23 17         4.48     omicron two Eridanus, double

059 39 26  +03 54 44        3.80     Taurus, ATLAS, double

059 40 51  +03 59 32        var       Taurus, PLEIONE, spectroscopic double

059 56 09  -07 57 56         var       lamda Taurus, spectroscopic eclipsing binary

DC= 1LE33

122 06 l9   +29 34 30        3.12     iota Ursa Major, TALITHA, double

SUN   3LE19   0n00   H07

122 44 14  -65 58 08         var       Puppis

122 45 39  -47 25 04         4.50     Puppis, MARKEB, double

123 14 11  +28 58 31        3.68     kappa Ursa Major, double

123 33 37  -10 17 30         3.76     beta Cancer

124 10 40  -22 38 53         4.41     zeta Monoceros

MER  13CA47   2s14   H06

103 04 08  +84 11 02        4.90     psi Draco, DZIBAN, (31), double

103 23 33  -39 35 38         -1.40    alpha Canis Major, SIRIUS,CANICULA, double

104 16 12  -75 49 50         -0.80    alpha Carina, CANOPUS

104 17 33  -02 02 42         var       zeta Gemini, MEKBUDA

VEN  17CA31   0n15   H06

107 49 16  -00 11 03         3.51     delta Gemini, WASAT, double

108 04 52  -05 38 26         3.65     lamda Gemini, double

108 15 44  +05 45 14        3.89     iota Gemini

108 23 17  +09 48 03        4.18     rho Gemini, double

MAR  21SA22R  4s43   H11

260 41 47  -01 50 12         3.37     theta Ophiuchus

261 44 52  +35 50 41        2.14     alpha Ophiuchus, RAS ALHAGUE

262 00 29  -55 59 56         3.90     gamma Apus

262 15 22  -54 32 13         4.16     beta Apus

JUP  23LI53   1n10   H08

203 08 37  -02 03 03         1.21     alpha Virgo, AZIMECH, SPICA, spec. eclip. binary

203 29 55  -77 46 35         4.46     epsilon Volens, double, spectroscopic

203 32 09  +30 46 15        0.24     alpha Bootes, ARCTURUS

203 32 42  +54 09 16        3.63     beta Bootes, MEREZ

SAT  24AQ09R  1s21   H01

323 44 58  +24 44 24        4.61     delta Equuleus, double, spectroscopic

324 09 05  +57 07 40        2.32     gamma Cygnus, SADOR, (37), double

URA  14LE49   0n39   H07

133 52 47  -10 58 25         3.30     zeta Hydra, (16)

134 29 35  +49 40 39        1.95     alpha Ursa Major, DUBHE, (50), double

135 33 00  +61 45 31        3.88     kappa Draco, (5), spectroscopic double

NEP   3TA10   1s45   H02

133 52 47  -10 58 25         3.30     zeta Hydra

134 29 35  +49 40 39        1.95     alpha Ursa Major, DUBHE, (50), double

135 33 00  +61 45 31        3.88     kappa Draco, (5), spectroscopic double

PLU  23TA31  14s19   H03

052 51 27  +65 33 31        4.56     pi Cepheus, (33), double, spectroscopic

053 09 60  -33 12 22         3.19     gamma Eridanus

053 30 07  +40 21 51                    h Perseus (cluster)

053 33 33  +40 45 13        6.15     chi Perseus, double

053 46 55  -54 32 38         4.06     upsilon three Eridanus

054 04 07  +47 32 35        3.44     epsilon Cassiopeia, SEGIN

MON  15TA31   2n53   H03

045 07 08  -61 43 59         3.83     alpha Horologium

NNd  10AR59   0n00   H02

011 03 54  -16 07 01         3.60     eta Cetus

SNd  10LI59   0n00   H08

190 01 53  -14 29 54         2.78     gamma Corvus, (4)

190 46 02  +08 37 06        3.66     delta Virgo, (43), AUVA

190 58 12  -19 40 17         3.21     epsilon Corvus, MINKAR, (2)

191 32 49  -21 44 50         4.18     alpha Corvus (1), ALCHITA


First magnitude: 6

Second Magnitude: 4

Third Magnitude: 11

Fourth Magnitude:33

Others greater than 4th Magnitude: 7


Six first magnitude stars implies a fairly high prominence in his life.