RASA School of Astrology:
Astrology Books in the Vatican Library 1995
(Part 3 of 4) , by Robin Armstrong
Peletier, Jacques, 1517-1582
Commentarii tres. l . De dimensione circvlii. 11. De contactv linearvm; and de duabus lineis in eodem plano nque parallelis, neque concurrentibus. 111. De constitvtione horoscopi. Basileae, apud l. Oporinum, 1563.
Three commentaries. l. On the dimensions of the circle 2. On the contact of lines, and on two lines in the same plane, not parallel. 3. On the constitution of the horoscope (Basle, 1563).
73 p. 30 cm
R.I. 11 107 Va.39-374
Pereyra, Benito(1535-1610)
Adversus fallaces & supstitiosas artes, id est de magia, de observatione somniorum & de divinatione astrologica libri tres. [Lugduni, ex. off. Iuntarum, 1592.]
Against false and superstitious arts, i.e. three books on magic, on the observation of dreams, and on astrological divination (Laon, 1592).
258, (8)p. 18 cm.
Arch.cap. S. PietroMss. B.97 (b)
Pico Della Mirandola, Giovanni
… Disputationes adversus astrologiam divinatricem … a cura di eugenio garin. Firenze, 1946.
Disputations against divinatory astrology, ed. E. Garin (Florence, 1946).
25 cm.
Racc. gen. Filosofia 111, 218 (2,3)
Ptolemaeus, Claudius
Opvs de sidrvm ivdiciis quadripartitum a graeco codice in latinum sermonem per Antonivm Goagvam … iampridem translatrum, cum approbatione Gemmae Frisii … denuo editum. Praepositis ad singula capita breuiarijs, vel nationibus D. Placidi de Titis … Patavii, typis Pauli Frambotti, 1658
Quadripartite work on the judgements of the stars, long since translated from the Greek codex into Latin by Antonio Gogava, newly edited with the approval of Gemma Frisius with brief introductory notes to each chapter, by Dominus Macidus de Titis … 1658
8 f.p. 192 (i.e. 212) p. 14 cm.
Racc. Gen. Classici VI 308
Raimondi, Annibale
Opera dell’anticha, & honorata scientia di nomandia specchio d’infiniti beni, e mali che sotto il cerchio della luna possono alli veventi intervenire, dell’eccellentissimo astrologo … annibbale Raimondo. Ridotta insieme, e castigatga aggiontovi la Fisonomia del detto autore. Aniversa, 1677
No Translation 1677
3-210 p. ill. 16.5 cm.
Cicognara III 2462
Rantzau, Henrik 1526-1598
Tractatvs astrologiovs, de genethliacorvm thematvm ivdiciis pro singulis nati accidentibus; ex vetvstis et optimis quibusque auctoribus collectus, indvstria Henrici Ranzovii … Francofvrtis, excudebat W. Hofmannus, 1633.
Astrological tractate on the judgements of the themes of astrologies relative to each and every accident (i.e. occurrence) that can happen at birth ed. Henrious Ranzovius, (Frankfurt, 1633).
379, (28)p. ill. tav. 17.5 cm.
Racc. Gen. Filosophia V 776
Salomon, Richard Georg, 1884 –
Opicinus de Canistris ; weltbild und bekenntnisse eines avignonesischen klerikers des 14. jahrhunderts, mit beitragen von A. Heimann und R. Krautheimer … London, The Warburg institute, Leipzig, Druck von B.G. Teubner, 1936.
A study of the Vatican manuscript Cod. Pal. Lat. 1993 and its author Opicinus de Canistris (anonymus Tichinensis), with areproduction of the manuscript, pl.1-xxxvii. The manuscript, containing 27 leaves, is a heterogeneous collection of maps, calendars, geometrical and astrological drawings, and designs of human figures, with annotations and marginal text; most notable fol.2 (tafelbd. Pl. II) a drawing of the ancient dual cathedral at Pavin, and fol.20 (tafelbd. Pl. xiv) the anonymous autobiography of the author, 1296-1336.
35 cm.
Inghilt XIII 32 A (1) cons.
Samir Haifi, S.l. ed. e tr.
La refutation de l’astrogie par blie de nasibe … Roma, Pont. institute orientaiium studiorum, 1977.
(408) 44 1 p. 24 cm.
H.G. Oriente IV 3472 (int.4)
Saumaise, Claude de, 1588-1654
Cl. Salmasii De annis climactericis et antiqua astrologia diatribae. Lvgd. Batavor, ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1648.
Diatribes on the climacteric years, and on ancient astrology (Laon, 1648).
64 f.p., 844,[18]p. Ill. 16 cm.
Barb.EEE.IV 6
Scevolini, Domenico
Discorso di Domenico Scevelini, nel quale con le suttorita cosi de gentili, como de catolioi si dimostra l’astrologia gludiciaria esser verissima & vtilissia … in Venetia, 1565.
Capponi IV 811
Schober, Louis
Wer ist Gott? Aufklarun liber die Gottheit, Sonnenaysteme … (Nurnberg, E. spandel, 1921)
64 p. ill. 22.5 cm.
R.G. Teol. IV.402S
Schoner, Johann 1477-1547
De ivdiciis nativitatvm libri tes. Scripti a Iaonne Schonero Carolostadio … Item praesatio D. Philippi Melanthonis … Norimbergae, in officina Ioannis Montani & Verici Neuber, M.D.X.L.V.
Three books on judgements of nativities, with preface by Philip Malanchthon (Nuremberg, 1545).
R.I. 11 206 VA 29-621
Seznec, Jean
La survivance des dieux antiques. Essai sur le role de la tradition mythologique dans l’humanisme et dans l’art de la Renaissance. London, 1940.
The Survival of the Old Gods. Essay on the role of traditional myths in the humanism of Renaissance art. London, 1940.
371 p., lf. tv. 24,5 cm.
Hansa XIII (11) cons.
Soldati, Benedetio, 1879-1918
La poesia astrologica nel quattrocento; ricerche e studi. Firenze, G.C. Sansoni, 1906.
ix, 319 p. 23,5 cm.
Lett. lat. mod. l 8 (3) cons. 33-1684
Svenberhg, Emmanuel
De latinska lunaria; text och studier av Emanuel Svenberg … Goteborg, Elanders boktryckeri aktiebolag, 1936.
vi, 175, 24,5 cm.
Lett. lat. ant. l 4 (13) cons.
Tannstetter von Thannau, Georg, 1482-1535
Artificivm de applications astrologiaea ad medicina deque conuenientia earundem, Georgij Collimitij Tansteteri, canones aliquot, and quaedam alia, quorum catalogum reperies in proxima pagella. argentorati (apvd Georgiu Ulricherum( 1531).
61 f. num., (4) p. 16,5 cm.
Palatina V.912 (int.3)
Thompson, Reginald Campbell, 1876
Reports of Magicians/Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum. The original texts, printed in cuneiform characters, ed. with translations, notes, vocabulary, index and an introduction. by. R.C.T. London, Luzae and co. 1900.
2 v. front, 85 pl. 23 cm.
Oriente l 2 (7-8) cons. 3-13880
Thorndike, Lynn, 1882
True Place of Astrology in History of Science (s.n.t.)
Copertina, p.273-278, 25 cm.
R.G.Miscell. 800 (int.21)
Titi, Placido, O.S.B. Oliv.
Physiomathematica, sive Coelestis philosophia naturalibus hucueq; desideratis ostenaa principije … Mediclani, ex typographia Francisci Vigoni, 1675.
Physiomathematics on celestial philosophy, shown by natural principles, hitherto unknown (Milan, 1675).
(16),319,(*) p. l tav. 25 cm.
Racc. gen. Science IV. 870
Umar ibn al-farruban al Tabart, sc. IX
Omardena tiuitatibus & interrogationibus nuper castigatus & in ordine redactus per. D. Lucam Gauricu; artium doctorem egregium; comite; palatinu atque; prothonotariu apostolicu; cum multis additionibus…
Nativities and Interrogations ed. L. Gauricus with many additions (Venice, 1525).
9-60 f. num. ill. 21cm.
St. Barb. N.XIII 2 (int.2) 34-295
Wedel, Theodore Otto
Medieval Attitude toward Astrology particularly in England, by Theodore Otto Wedel… New Haven, Yale university press; etc. 1920.
vp. l L. 163 p. 23 cm.
St. Uniti XIII l (B.6) Cons. 20-14391
Wiedemann, Eilhard Ernst Gustav, 1852-1928
Kleine Mitteilungen, von Eilhard … Wiedemann, Leipzig, F.C. Vogel, 1912.
51 p. 22.5 cm.
Scienze I 13 (int.28)
Yves de Paris, O.F. M.Cap. 1593-1678
Astrologiae nova methodvs F. Allaei (pseud) (s.l.s.e.) 1654.
A new method of Astrology of Franciscus Allaeus (pseud. of Yves de Paris). 1654
20 p. tav. 35.5 cm. (2nd copy 80p)
Racc. Gen. Science l.21 int.l
Zinner, Ernst
Sternglaube und Sternforschung … Freiburg Munchen (1953)
xii, (1) 170, (1) p. ill., tav. 20 cm.
Racc. Gen. Science V 894
Gardner, Frederick, Leigh, 1857 –
A catalogue raisonne of works on occult sciences, by F. Leigh Gardner … London, Privately printed, 1911.
v. front. (port) 23 cm.
Science 11 14 24-3383
Houzeau, Jean Charles 1820-1888
Bibliographie generale de l’astronomie par J.C.H. et A. Lancaster, Bruxelles, 1882-1889.
Astronomy work with 197 page section on astrology.
2 v. in.3. 27.5 cm.
H77 8-2952 revised
Saxl. Fritz, 1890-1948
Verzeichnis astrologischer und mythologischer illustrierter Handschriften des lateinischen Mittelalters … 111; Handschriften in englischen bibliothekn … von Fritz Saxl und Hans Meier. Hrag. Von Harry Bober. London, 1953.
e v. ill. tav. facs. 24 cm.
Cataloghi I 38 cons.
Zinner, Ernst, 1886 –
Geschichte und Bibliographie der astronomischen Literatur in Deutschland zur Zeit der Renaissance, von Ernst Zinner. Leipzig, K.W. Hiersemann, 1941.
4 f.p. 152 p. 26 cm.
Z 5152.Z6 VA 41.34 00
Cumont, Franz, 1868-1947
Astrologues romains et byzantine … Tomr, Vuhhisni, 1918.
(33)-54 p. 24 cm.
R.G. Misc.111-594 (34)
Phares, Simon de.
Recueil des plus celebres astrologues et quelques hommes doctes faict par Symon de Phares du temps de Charles VIII, publie d’apres le manuscrit unique de la Bibliotheque nationale par le dr. Ernest Wickersheimer. Paris, H. Champion, 1929.
xii, 303 p. 2 f. 25 cm.
Science 11 32 cons. VA 37-2131
Carmody, Francis J.
Arabic astronomical & astrological sciences in Latin translation; a critical bibliography … Berkeley and Los Angelese, 1956.
vi, 193 p. 23,5 cm.
Cataloghi I 35 cons.
Catalogus codicum astrologorum graecorum …
Bruxelles, in aedibus H. Lamertin, 1898-1924.
v. facsims. 25 cm.
Cataloghi I 41 cons. 7-10715
Delatte, Armand, 1886- ed.
Anecdota atheniensia (et alia).. par Armand Delatte .. Liege, H. Vaillant-Carmanne (ecc. ) 1927-39,
Athenian Anecdotes (Liege, 1927-39).
2 v. 25 cm.
Belgio XIII 7 (36-88)
Furlani, Giuseppe
Di una raccolta di trattati astrologici in lingua siriaca. Roma, 1918.
Racc. Gen. Oriente III 780int. 6
McGurk, Patrik
Astrological manuscripts in Italian libraries (other than Rome) … London, The Warburg institute. 1966. (Catalogue of astrological and mythological illuminated manuscripts of the Latin Middle Ages. 1V)
24 cm. lll p.
Cataloghil 38 (3) cons.
Saxl, Fritz
Verzeichnis astrologisher und mythologischer illustrierter Handschriften des lateinischen Mittelalters … Heidelberg, 1915-27.
2 v. tav. 24, 5 cm.
Baden X111 1 (C, 16) cons.
Thorndike, Lynn, 1882
Hitherto unnoticed criticism of astrology… Bruges, 1939.
Reprinted from ISIS, n.83 (vol.XXXI,I) Nov. 1939
Cataloghi Roma Vaticano Varia 21 int. 14
Thorndike, Lynn, 1882
Notes in some astronomical, astrological and mathematical manuscripts of the Bibliotheque nationale, Paris. (s.n.t.) Reprinted from the Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld institutes. v.xx. n. 1-2, 1957.
112-172 p. 26.5 cm.
Misc. Z. 111.43 (5)
Thorndike, Lynn, 1882
Notes on some less familiar British astronomical and astrological manuscripts. (s.n.t.) Reprinted from the Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld institutes. v. xxll. n.1-2, 1959.
p.157-171, 26.5 cm.
Cataloghi I 46 int.9 cons.
Thorndike, Lynn, 1882
Notes on some Medieval astronomical, astrological and mathematical manuscripts at Florence, Milan, Bologna and Venice … (s.n.t.) Reprinted from Isis, v. 50, part l, n. 159, March 59.
p.33-50, 25 cm.
Cataloghi 46 int.8 cons
Thorndike, Lynn, 1882
Notes on Medieval Latin astronomical, astrological and mathematical manuscripts at the Vatican (s.n.t.) Estratto da: Isis …v .47, part 4, n.150, Dec. 1956.
3l-404 p. 25.5 cm.
Cataloghi Italia Roma, Vaticano Varia 31 int. 14 cons.
Thorndike, Lynn, 1882
This is the second and concluding portion of this study of which part 1 appeared in Isis, 1956, 47:391-404. Reprinted from Isis, v. 49, part 1, n. 155, March 1958.
Boll, Franx Johannes, 1867-1924
Sternglaube und Sterndentung. Die geschichte und das wesen der astrologie. Unter mitwirkung von Carl Bezold dargestellt von Franz Boll. Vierte auflage nach der verfasser tod herausgegeben von W. Gundel. Leipzig, Berlin, B.G. Teubner, 1931.
xiv. 230 p. illus. 24 pl. fold.map. 24 cm.
Science II 20
Bouche Leclercq, Auguste 1842
L’Astrologie grecque. Paris, E. Lerouz, 1899.
25 cm., 2 p.l. xx, 658 l.l. illus. tables, diagr.
Ant. class. II II cons. 5-37921
Della Capanna, Gian Piero
Magia, asrologia, inquisizione e medicina medioevale. Flavio Ballestrasse.I medici dell’antichita nelle opere del Fabrizio e del Daremberg. Pisa, Cas editrice Giardini, 1969.
l f.p. (5)79 p. lf. 23 cm.
R.G. MedicinaIV5250 (137)
Gundel, Wilhelm, 1880-1945
Astrologumena. Die astrologische Literatur in der Antike und ihre Geschichte, von Wilhelm gundel und Hans Georg Gundel. Mit 3 figuren und 20 Abbildungen. Wiesbaden, F. Steiner, 1966.
xi, 382 p. 25 cm.
Scienza VI 4 A (6) cons.
Kurze, Dietriche
Johannes Lichtenberger (1503) eine Studie Zure Geschchte der Prophetie und Astrologie… Lubeck und Hamburg, Mattheisen, 1960.
100 p. 24 cm.
Coll. gen. I 117 (379) cons.
Maury, Louis Ferdinand Alfred 1817-1892
La magie et l’astrologie dan l’antiquite et au moyen age, ou Etude sur les superstitions palennes qui se sont perpetuees jusqu’a nos jours. par L.f. Alfred Maury. 3. ed. rev. et corr. Paris, didier & co. 1864.
2 f.p. 484 p. 18.5 cm.
Sceince II 38 cons. VA 38-1539
Papi, 1585-1590 (Sixtus V)
Constitutio S.D.N. Sixti papae V contra exercentes astrologiae iudiciariae artem, et alia quaecumq3 divinatiornam genera, librosque de eis legentes, ac tenentes. Romae, 1586.
Constitution of Pope Sixtus V against those practising the art of judicial astrology, and any other kinds of divination. (Rome 1586).
6 p. 30.5 cm.
Chigi II.1073 int.66
Pruckner, Hubert
Studien zu den astrologischen schriften des Heinrich von Langenstein. Leipzig/Berlin. B.G. Teubner, 1933.
xiv, 286 p. 25 cm.
Inghilt.x III 32 (14) cons. 520.1
Stegemann, Victor
Astrologie und universalgeschichte; studien und interpretationnen zu den Dionysiska des Nonnos von Panopolis, von Vicktor Stegemann; mit einer sternkarte. Leipzig und Berlin, B.g. Teubner, 1930.
viii, 257 p. fold. pl. 23 cm.
R.G. Classici1v 2524 (9) 30-20790
Stegemann, Victor
Beitrage zur Geschichte der Astrologie I.Der griechische Astrologe Dorotheos von Sidon und der arabische Astrologe Abu l-Hasan ‘ali bin abi’r-Rigal, gennant Albohzen … Heidelberg, im Selstverlag von F. bilabel, 1935.
41 p. 25,5 cm.
R.G. Storia111.5165 (int.2)
Federici Vescovini, Graziella
La dottrina astrologica di magico Pelacani da Parma e le sue connessioni con l’opera di Albumasar … [Milano, Rivlata di filosofia, 1972
p.300 , 24 cm.
Racc. Gen.Filosofia IV. 1751 (int.7)
Cumont, Franz, 1868-1947
Le mysticisme astral dans l’antiquite … Bruxelles, 1909
256 – 258 p. 23.5 cm.
R.G. Misc.III.594 (11)
Abd al-Aziz ibn’Utman al-Qabiai, m. 967
Aohabitius cum comento … [Venetiis, per Joannem & Gregorium de Gregoriia, 1502]
148 p. ill. 20.5 cm.
Chigi iv 1035
Abd al-Aziz ibn’Utman al-Qabiai, m. 967
alohabitius cum commento, novitar impresso … [Venetiis, per Melchiorem Sessa, 1502]
71 f.num. ill. 22,5 cm.
Racc. gen.science iv 85
Abu Ali, al-Rayyal (Albohali)
De Iudicijs natiuitatum liber unus … Impressum Noribergae, 1546.
Book One on Judgements of Nativities (Nuremberg, 1546).
64 f. 20 cm.
Palat. IV.350 (1)