Working with the I Ching and Astrology involves the use of the I Ching as a zodiac of 64 divisions instead of twelve. As the planets move or are positioned in a sign of the zodiac, they also move or are positioned in an I Ching hexagram. Each hexagram consists of six lines, one on top of the other making it a type of totem pole. In corresponding the hexagrams with the zodiac, each hexagram occupies a specific 60 of the circle. There is a slight problem here. There are 64 hexagrams each containing 6 lines, making a total of 384 lines. There are only 360 degrees in the zodiac, which conveniently allows for 60 six degree segments. A thorough explanation of this correspondence requires extensive text, but for now please accept that there are 24 neutral or over lapped lines. (These lines occur at the middle of the fixed signs.) Allowing for this alignment there is now a very convenient correspondence of each line in an I Ching hexagram to one degree. If you look at the sample horoscope of Carl Jung you will observe that there are 5 hexagrams in cardinal and mutable signs, while there are six hexagrams in the fixed signs.
In one sign of the zodiac there are 30 degrees, or conveniently 5 six-degree divisions. In each of the fixed signs there are two hexagrams sharing the same six degrees, or each claiming 3 degrees. This allows for a perfect correlation of 64 hexagrams onto sixty divisions of 6 degrees, or 360 degrees. This we will consider as Level One of hexagram correspondence. At this level each planet will reside in one hexagram and also in one specific line of that hexagram.
LEVEL ONE: Each hexagram occupies 6 degrees and each line occupies 1 degree, or 60 minutes. There are sixty four hexagrams spread out around the zodiac.
There is a second level of hexagram to zodiac correspondence. Here the Wheel of Change (I Ching) completes 6 full circles within the one 360 ° zodiacal circle.
LEVEL TWO: Each hexagram occupies 1 degree, or 60 minutes. Each line occupies 10’ minutes of one degree. The 64 hexagrams are spread out over 60 degrees at this level, and they repeat themselves every 60 degrees.
There is a third level of hexagram to zodiac correspondence. Here the Wheel of Change (I Ching) completes 36 full circles within the one 360 zodiacal circle.
LEVEL THREE: Each hexagram occupies 10’ minutes of one degree. Each line occupies 1 ‘40”, or one minute and forty seconds of one degree. The 64 hexagrams are spread out over 10 degrees at this level, and they repeat themselves every 10 degrees.
This smallest division of one minute and forty seconds might seem excessively small to today’s astrologer. It must, however be remembered, that even at its closest and largest apparent size Venus is only 1 ‘05”. All the other planets are always less than one minute of a degree in size. Only the Sun and Moon can occupy slightly more than 30 minutes of one degree. The solar and lunar positions used in this article represent the centre point of each orb.
Every planet or point in the zodiac will occupy a certain degree and minute of a zodiacal sign.
Every planet or point in the zodiac will also occupy three hexagrams and three lines, one within each hexagram. The three hexagram levels should be thought of as relating to each other in a manner similar to national, provincial, and municipal governments. The hexagrams will be listed in a Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 order. Each hexagram will be identified by it number in the Wilhelm/Baynes version of the I Ching or Book of Changes. Directly after the number of each hexagram will be the accentuated line 1 to 6 (for example: “43L4”, refers to hexagram 43, line 4 (or place four).
The lines of the hexagrams will be active-creative (+), or passive-receptive (-). It is this active or passive quality that will affect the planet occupying the line.
The LEVEL 1 HEXAGRAM represents the “MAIN THEME” and the line number (L#1-6) is the “Special Emphasis”.
The LEVEL 2 HEXAGRAM represents the “SPECIFIC FOCUS” and further elaborates the meaning of the line number in
Level 1.
The line number on Level 2: (L#1-6) is the “Special
The LEVEL 3 HEXAGRAM represents the “INTIMATE EMPHASIS” and further elaborates the meaning of the line number in Level 2.
and the line number on Level 3: (L#1 -6) is the “Special Impression”.
Any aspect phase (0º to 360º) between two planets or points can also produce 3 hexagrams, each with a line accentuated.
Carl Jung
Date: Jul 26, 1875
Time: 07:54 PM (ZONE -1)
Place: Kesswil, Germany LONGITUDE: 09E19. LATITUDE: 47N36.
(Source: Jung’s daughter Gret Baumann-Jung.
She discussed his horoscope with him,
and this was the chart
which Jung himself used.)
H0l = 1AQ33 H02 = 25P118 H03 = 4TA10
H10 = 29SC16 H11 = 18SA48 H12 = 7CP41
MC = 29SC16 = 35L1-, 13L5+, 37L3+
AC = 1AQ33 = 21L2-, 41L4-, 5L5+
IC = 29TA16 = 5L1+, 13L5+, 37L3+
DC = 1LE33 = 48L2+, 41L4-, 5L5+
SUN 3LE19 0n00 H07 48L4-, 61L2+, 57L6+
MER 13CA47 2s14 H06 50L2+, 23L2-, 6L3-
VEN 17CA31 0n15 H06 50L6+, 3L4-, 24L1+
MAR 21SA22R 4s43 H11 23L3-, 18L3+, 26L5-
JUP 23L153 lnl0 H08 62L6-, 47L1-, 47L5+
SAT 24AQ09R 1s21 H01 63L6-, 64L6+, 64L1-
URA 14LE49 0n39 H07 46L3+, 1L2+, 4L1-
NEP 3TA10 1s45 H02 38L4+, 62L1-, 32L6-
PLU 23TA31 14s19 H03 26L1+, 22L3+, 18L1-
MON 15TA31 2n53 H03 11L3+, 24L4-, 62L1-
NNd 10AR59 0n00 H02 41L5-, 9L1+, 38L6+
The example chart chosen is that of psychologist Carl Jung. The computer printouts and chart forms are from the Astrology program “Stars In Sight” which is in development and should be available to the public within a year or so.
For each of the four Angles (Asc., IC, Desc.,& MC), and for the planets and North Node, the three corresponding hexagrams are printed out. The line accentuations are also listed with a “+“ to represent a solid line, and a “-“ to represent a broken line.
Also listed are the three hexagram and lines for each aspect. There are 513 hexagram accentuations for the main factors and aspects in a natal chart.
These 513 accents are too many to study individually. They are meant to be studied selectively, one focus with its three hexagrams at a time. The greatest value will of course come through a subjective personal assessment of one’s own horoscope hexagrams. For personal use it is suggested that one planet’s hexagrams be studied and contemplated for about a month, before moving on to the next planet. Notes should be kept and an ongoing diary maintained.
Jung’s SUN is at 3°19’ of Leo in Hexagrams: 48L4-, 61L2+, 57L6+.
Level 1: Hexagram 48: The Well Line 4 – (a broken line).
Level 2: Hexagram 61: Inner Truth Line 2 + (a solid line).
Level 3: Hexagram 57: Gentle, Penetration. .Line 6 + (a solid line).
To study this you would first consider Carl Jung’s life goals and purpose, then you would read each hexagram in order. First you would read The Well. Read the hexagram introduction, the Image, and the Judgment. When it comes to the lines, read only the line (or place) indicated. Do not read the other lines as it would complicate the implications. Once you have read level one and have contemplated it, go on to Level 2 remembering that it will further elaborate the bias already presented in line 4 of level 1. Again you read the Image and the judgment, and only the line specified. After contemplating Level 2, go on to Level 3, remembering that it further elaborates the meaning of Line 2 on Level 2. (A detailed interpretation of Carl Jung’s Sun will be presented in our next issue of this journal.)
It is possible to study each planets, each angle, and each aspect in the above manner.
In looking at the printouts, it is valuable to count the proportion of active-creative (+), to passive-receptive (- ) lines. Even within each planetary focus the three lines could all be active (+) or all receptive (-). This would represent extremes highlighting that planet or focus.
From a simple count of plus and minus factors for Carl Jung’s planets and Angles, there are 24 plus (+), and 21 minus (-) accents. This is a fairly even balance and may not show itself readily. There are many other natal charts with greater extremes to provide more dramatic examples. There are also charts for times in one’s life that might also be significantly more extreme than what one started with.
To summarize: the complete 513 accentuations are com piled and presented. In the I Ching Study Guide Natal Summary (Part 1) the 64 hexagrams are listed in order around the zodiac once for each level. For each separate level the number of accentuations from the entire horoscope are shown. You can see how many times each line was accentuated with a total showing the number of times that each hexagram was highlighted at that level.
In the I Ching Study Guide Natal Summary (Part 2) all of the totals from the three levels are added together to reveal which hexagrams and lines have been most accentuated. On this printout the Maximums and the minimums are marked with an ‘M’ or ‘m’. By observing the extremes you can see the I Ching themes that are most common and most unfamiliar in your life. This also shows which relationships you are most familiar with and also which you are most alienated by.
Jung’s I Ching Study Guide to Natal Hexagram Totals: Jung has 3 Maximum focused hexagrams and 2 minimum focused hexagrams.
The Maximums (M):
In Aries, Hexagram 41: Decrease
was accentuated 14 times or 2.7% of the total
In Gemini, Hexagram 9: Small Taming Power
was accentuated 14 times or 2.7% of the total.
In Scorpio, Hexagram 35: Progress
was accentuated 14 times or 2.7% of the total.
The maximums represent the most common or familiar themes and relationships.
The minimums (m):
In Virgo, Hexagram 40: Deliverance
… accentuated 4 times or 0.8% of the total.
In Scorpio, Hexagram 45: Gathering Together
… accentuated 4 times or 0.8% of the total.
The minimums reveal the most uncommon or unfamiliar themes and relationships.
*Note: Remember that these totals come from three levels where these signs, sub-signs, or sub-sub-signs occur.
In observing the total accents in each of the line totals, there is one line that was accentuated more than all the others. It happens in Hexagram 55 Line 3.
A Pisces theme: Hexagram 55: Abundance:
***Line 3*** 6 accents.
“Nine in the third place means:
The underbrush is of such abundance
That the small stars can be seen at noon.
He breaks his right arm. No Blame.
The image is that of a progressive covering over of the sun. Here the eclipse reaches totality, therefore even the small stars can be seen at noon.
In the sphere of social relationships, this means that the prince is so eclipsed that even the most insignificant persons can push themselves into the foreground. This makes it impossible for an able man, though he might be the right hand of the ruler, to undertake anything. It is as though his arm were broken, but he is not to blame for being thus hindered in action.” ……. Richard Wilhelm’s I Ching
One last note: Since the DNA structures parallel the hexagram formations, with some top level study, one could embark from here to the shores of astrological genetic research. The hexagrams measure or mark the amount of light coming from the Sun. Perhaps this might have some influence on our physical genetic structures as well as on our personal attitudes and circumstances.
The Zodiac Tortoise