RASA School of Astrology:
Astrology Books in the Vatican Library 1995
(Part 1 of 4) by Robin Armstrong
‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, died 967
Alkabitius Astronomia judiciarie principia tractans, cum Joannis Saxonij commentario ordine textus nuperrima distincto. Additis annotationibus … atquo glossa per magistrum Petrum Turrellum … cum tractatulo de cognoscendis infirmitatibus … [Lugduni, a.a.]
Abd al’Aziz Alkabite, with commentary of John of Saxony and gloss of Peter Turrellus (Laon, n.d.) 1521
64 f. num. ill. 22.5 cm
Palatina IV. 539 int.2
‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, died 967
Preclaru sumi in aftroru scientia principis Alchabitij opus ad scrutanda stellaru magifteria ifagogicu priftino candori nuperrime reftitutu ab excellentiffimo doctore Antonio de Fantis taruifino qui notabile eiufde auctoria libellu de planetar, coiuntioibus nufq3 antea ipreffum addidit & pleraq3 feitu digniffima cu3 caftigatiffimo Ioanis de Saxonia comentario, Venetijs, in edibus Petri Liechtenftein, 1521
Abd al-Azis d. 967 Alkabite, Book of planets and conjunctions ed. A de Fantis with commentary by John of Saxony. (Venice 1521)
64 f. num. ill. 22.5 cm
Racc. Gen., Filos IV. 809 int.5, cons. Va 33-77
‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, died 967
Preclaru aumi in astroru scientia principlis Alchabitij Opus … 1521 (Scheda 2).
Abd al-Azis d. 967 Alkabite, Book of planets and conjunctions ed. A de Fantis with commentary by John of Saxony. (Venice 1521)
64 f. num. ill. 22.5 cm
R.B, Filos IV. 802 int.5 Va 33-77
‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn ‘Utman al-Qabisi, died 967
Preclarium summi in astrorum scientia principis alchabitij opus ad scrutanda stellarum magisteria isagogicum pristino candori nuper rime restitutum ab excellentissimo doctore Antonio de Fantis … (Venetije, per Melchiorem Sessam &
P. de Ravanis, 1521)
Abd al-Azis d. 967 Alkabite, Book of planets and conjunctions ed. A de Fantis with commentary by John of Saxony. (Venice 1521)
64 f. num. ill. 22.5 cm
Racc. Gen., Scienze IV. 84
Abraham ben ‘Ezrah, 1092/93-1167
Abrahe Auenaris judel astrologi peritissimi in re iudiciali opera: abe excellentissimo philosopho Petro de Abane past accurata; castigationem in latium tradueta. Introductorium quod dicitur principium sapientie. Liber rationium, Liber antiuitatum & re
Works of Abraham ben Ezrah in Judicial Astrology tr. into Latin by Peter Abano * Introduction * Book of reasons * Book of Nativities & revolutions * book of Interrogations * Book of Elections * Book of Lumineries (recog. critical day or cause of crisis). * Book of Planetary conjunctions and revolution of the years of the world. Venice 1507
xcvi f. num 22.5 cm
R.G., Filos IV.802 int.6 Va 33-46
Abu Ma’sar Ga’far b. Muhammad b. ‘Umar al-Bahli, Died 886
albumasar de Magnis coniunctionibus, annorum revolutionibus, ac eorum profectionibus, octo continens tractatus. (venetiis, per Melchiorem Sessa, 1515).
8 tractates on the great conjunctions, the revolutions of the years and their completions? Venice 1515
187 p. ill. 21.5 cm
Chigi IV.995
Abu Ma’sar Ga’far b. Muhammad b. ‘Umar al-Bahli, Died 886
Introductorium in astronomiam Albumafaris abalachi octo continens libros partiales. (Colophon: Venetijs: mandato & expensis Merchionis Seffa; per Jacobum pentium Leucenfez, 1506).
Introduction to the astronomy of Albumazar containing 8 partial books. 1506
106 p. ill. 22.5 cm
Racc. gen.1V 802 int. 2 Va 33-2
Accarigi, Jacopo, vesc.di Veste, Died 1654
Dispvtatio habita … quo die in publico Romae gymnasio, ingressus est explicare quartum Aristotelis, de animalium generatione, librum, ex quo argumenta deducit, quibus genethliacorum, in ortu hominis, diuinationes, vanitatis arguuntur. Romae, 1635.
James Accariji Bp. of Veste d. 1654. Explanation of Aristotle On the Generation of Animals, Book 4. Used to deduce the vain arguments on which are based the divinations of astrologers in the birth of a man. 1635
16 p. 21 cm
Barb. Y.X. 8 int.14
Adami, Ignazio
I secoli delle principesse di bellezza imparaggiabile overo I periodi delle influencze celesti; compendio oronistorico dalla creazione del mondo fino a’tempi nostri raccolto nell’armonia de’tempi da Ignazio Adami in lode delle impreggiabili principesse Panfilio … In Amsterdamo, 1692
no translation
14 f.p., 183 p. 31.5 cm
Barb. Z.V.2
Albini, Costanzo
Magia astrologica.. Paris 1611
56 p. 17 cm
R.G. Scienze V. 561 int. 2
Albizzini, Bartolomeo
Trattato astrologico di quanto influenciscono le stella … per tutto l’anno 1705 [Firenze, 1704]
no translation
32 p. 22 cm
Barb. N.X111.18
‘Ali ibn Abi al-Rigal al-Saybani, sec. X1
Preclarissimus, in judiciis aftrorum, Albohazen Haly fillus Abenragel, nouiter impreffum & fideliter emendatum & c. … (Venetiis) (arte & ipefis p. Jo bapti Seffa , 1503).
Alhazen (llth c) Judgements of the Stars (Venice 1503)
98 f. num. 32.5 cm
R. Gen. Class.ll int.2, Va 42-23
‘Ali ibn Abi al-Rigal al-Saybani, sec. X1
Preclarissimus, in judiciis aftrorum, Albohazen Haly fillus Abenragel, nouiter impreffum & fideliter emendatum & c. … (Venetiis) (arte & ipefis p. Jo bapti Seffa , 1503).
Alhazen (llth c) Judgements of the Stars (Venice 1503)
98 f. num. 32.5 cm
R. Gen. Class.ll int.2, Va 42-23 QB26.A65
Ali ibn Abi al-Rigal al-Saybani
Haly de iuditije. Preclarissimus in juditije astrorum Albohazen Haly filius Abenragel noviter impressus et fideliter emendatus eto. (Colophon; Venitijs, 1520).
(Venice 1520)
107 f. num. 32 cm
S. Offizio 3
Arcandum, Pseud.
Arcandum decter perissimus no non vulgaris strologus, De veritatibus et predictionibus astrologiae et praecipus nativitatum se fatalis dispoitionis, val diei cuiusaunque Nati, nuper per magistrum Richardum Roussat … in lucem editus, recognitus ac innumeris… erratis expurgatus… Parissija, apud Vewvntium Gaultherot 1542.
Arcandam, On the Truths and Predictions of Astrology, Especially the Nativities or Fatal Dispositions. ed. R. Roussat. 1542
100 f. 17.5 cm
Palat V.1196
Argoli, Andrea – 1570-1657
Anreae Argoi … De diebus criticis et de aegrorum deoubitu libri duo. Patavii, 1639.
Andreas Argoli, Two books concerning critical days and the lying ill of the sick. (Padua? 1639)
Racc. Gen. Medicina lV 4668
Argoli, Andrea – 1570-1657
De diehvs criticis et aegrorvm decvbitv libri dvo. Ab auctore denuo recniti, ae altera parto auctiores, paeneq, noui. L’atavii, apud P. Frambottum, 1652.
1652. ed. of the same text.
4 p., 1.,6,(2), 371, (11) p. diagrs. 21 cm
Racc. Gen. Medicina lV 2121
Argoli, Andrea – 1570-1657
Ptolemaee parvvs, in genethliacis ivnctvs arabibvs … Lvgdvni, sumptib, Ioann. Antonii Hvgvetan, & Marci Antonii Ravavd, 1659.
A short Ptolemy together with the Arab astrologers. (Laon, 1659) i.e. in Ptolemy’s Almagest?
(7),211,(44) p. ill. 22.5 cm.
Barber N. Vll. 50
Author unknown
Artis divinatricis, quam astrologiam seu iudiciariam vocant, encomia & patrocinia …Parisiis, excudebat Ch. Weshuelus,1549
In praise and defence of the divinatory art which they call astrology or judgement. (Paris 1549)
178, (2) p. 22 cm
Miscell. F. 75. int. 3
Author unknown
Astrologica opuscula antique. Fragmentum astrologicum, incerto autore … Liber ragum de significtionibus planetarum in duodecim domiciliis coeli et de natura duodeoim signorum Zodiaci. Liber Hermetis centum aphorismirum cum commentationibus Thaddaei Hageaij ab Hagek ..Pragas, exendebut George Mclantrichus, 1564.
A little astrological work. Astrological fragment (author uncertain) Book of Kings concerning the significations of the planets in the twelve houses of the heaven and concerning the nature of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Book of Hermes of the hundred aphorisms with commentary by Thaddeus H. (Molantrichus, Georgius, Prague 1564)
Palat. lV. 983 (2)
Aurigemma, Luigi
Le signe zodiacal du Scorpion dans les traditions occidentales de l’Antiquite greco-latine a la Renaissance. Paris – La Haye, Mouton (1976)
The sign of the Scorpion in Western Traditions from Greco-Latin Antiquity to the Renaissance. 1976
143, (1) p. tav. (parte color.) 26.5 cm
R.G. Sc. soc.lV.2997
Barzan, Antonio
L’astrologia di Dante, Padova, 1922.
Dante’s Asrology, Padua 1922
Racc. Gen. Miscell. lV 282 int. 2
Bassanello, Menecuzio
Prognostico de Marte, calculato per lo eccellentissimo dottore M. Menecutij, Bassanello delle guerre, e pace, e della abodatia, e carestia, e delle infirmita, e teporali che succedeerano nel M.D.XXXVI (s.n.t. Roma (?) avanti 10 nov. 1535.
Prediction concerning Mars by Dr. M.M. Bassanelo on War, Peace, Abundance, Famine and Infirmity and Temporal Events (?) That Will Occur in 1536.
1 f.p.,(6)p. 20 cm
Rossiana 5111 int. 2
Bernardus de Viduno, O.F.M.
Tractatus super totam astrologiam, ediert une mit einem Kommentar versehen von P. Polykarp Hartmann … Wel-Westf., Dietrich – Coelde – Verlag, 1961.
Bernard of Verdun, Tractate on the Whole of Astrology 1961
180 p. 24 cm
R.G. Teol.lV. 1406 (15)
Biondo, Michelangelo
Tabulae annuae de anticipatione stellarum fixxarum cum suis significationibus, in desponendis, vel constituendis operibus humanis … Michaele Angelo Blondo medico eximio supputatore … Eiusdem Expositio horarum Palladij ex umbra gnomonia, cum descriptione temperature, generic quatuor partium orbis… Rome 1544
Yearly Table of the Anticipation of Fixed Stars with their Significations in ordering or constituting human works. Explanation of the hours of Palladius from the Shadow of the Gnomon. Rome 1544
(40) p. 19,5 cm
R.G. ClassicilV. 246 int. 2
Boderius, Thomas
De ratione & usu dierum criticorum opus recense natum, in quo mens tum ipaius Ptolemeei, tu aliorum astrolgorum hao in parte dilcudatur, authore Thoma Boderio … cui accessit Hermes Trismegistus de decubitu infirmorum, nunquam antea in lucem editus, Parisiis, 1555
On the reason and use of critical days – a recent work in which is clarified the midn of Ptolemy and other astrologers in this mater by the author Thomas Boderius, to which is appended Hermes Trismegistus, on the lying ill of the sick, never before published. Paris 1555.
56 f. ill. 22 cm
Palatina lV 688 int. 2
Bonet de Lattes, sec.Xv-XVI.
Annulus astronomicus sive de utilitate astrologiae. [Roma, Andrea Freitga, c.1493]
The Astronomical Year, or On the Usefulness of Astrology. [Rome, Andrea Freitga, c.1493
H.9926 Pr.3874 BMC.IV.136
Inc. Prop. ll. 77
Bonincontri, Lorenzo, da San Miniato
De revolutionib. annorum ad F. Colotium … (s.n.t.)
On the Revolutions of the Years
(44) f. non num. 14.5 cm
R.I. Vl 266 int. 4
Calvisius, Seth, 1556-1615
Sethi Cavisi Pus chronologicum ubi tempus astronomicum per mtus & eclipse luminarium celeftium, tanquam characteres infallibiles epocharrum, ex funadmentis chronologicis demonstratur & applicatur. Editio quarta emendatior, & in annum labentem producta.
Chronological work where astronomical time is demonstrated and applied by movement and eclipses of celestial luminaries as well as infallible characters of epochs, from chronological foundations. (Frankfurt, a.M. 1650)
4 f.p., 1030, (98) p., 1 f. diagrs. 35 cm
R.I. l 286 Va 39-430
Caroti, Stefano
La critrica contre l’astrologia di Nicolo Oresme e la sua influenza nel Medioevo e nel Rinascimente. Roma, Accademin nasionale dei Lincei, 1979.
Nicholas Oresmo’s critique against astrology and its influence on the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Rome 1979
p. (1), (545)-685 26,5 cm
Accad. it. Roma 6 AA (Vlll, 23)
Cortes, Jeronimo, Died 1600
Lunario nuevo, perpetuo y general y pronostico de los tiempos universal … Alcala, 1606.
no translation
151 p. ill. 15.5 cm
Racc. Gen. Scienze V 383 int. 3
D’Agostino, Alfonso
Il ‘Libro sulla magi dei segni” e studi di filologia spagnola. Brescia. Pedeia editrice (1979).
The Book on Magic of the Signs. (1979)
(3), (105, (1) p. 24.5 cm
R.G. Lett. Est.lV 4253
Della Porta, Giovanni Battista
Della celeste fisionomia di G.B. della Porta … libri sei … Padova, P,P, Tozzi, 1616
Six books on the celestial physiognomy. 1616
(12), 144, (3) p. ill. 22 cm
Cicogn.lV 2458
De Ruberti, Battista
Osservazioni de astrologia… Firenza, 1567.
Observations on Astrology. (1567)
Capponi lV 343
Dee, John
Monas hieroglyphica Ioannis Dee … aAntuerpiae, G. Silvius typog. regius, excud., 1564.
no translation. 1564
28 f. num. diagr. 20 cm
Palatina lV 809 int. 2
Dryander, Johannes, sec. XVl
Annulorum trium diversi generis instrumentorum astronomicorum… Marpugi, 1537.
no translation. 1537
(86) p. ill. 20 cm
Barb. N. Xll. 132 int. 1
Dupuis, Charles Francois
Memoire sur l’origine des constellations, et sur l’application de la fable, par le moyen de l’astronomie, par M. Dupuis, Paris, 1781.
Memoire on the Origin of the Constellations and on the Application of Tables, by the means of Astronomy, by M. Dupuis, 1781
228 p. 26,5 cm
Ferraioli lll 1036
Erastus, Thoas Liebler, detto
De astrologia divinatrice epistolae D. Thomae Erasti, iam olim ab eodem ad diuersca scriptae, and in duos libros digestae, ac nunc demum in gratiam ueritatis studiosorum in lucem aeditae, opera et studio Ioannis Iacobi Grynaei … Basileae, per Petrum Pernam, 1580
Letters on Divinatory Astrology by Thomas Erastus, arranged in two books. Ed. J.J. Grynaeus (Basle 1580)
(8), 236, (10) p. 22.5 cm
Racc. gen. Scienze lV. 1238 int.1
Ivlii Firmici Materni Ivnioris
Ad Mavortium Lollianum Astronomicum libri V111 … Basilaea, per Ioannem Hervagivm, 1551.
Eight books addressed to Mavortius Lollianus. 1551
6 f.p., 244,227 p. ill. 32.5 cm
Racc. gen. Classici ll. 30
Fiacher, K
Some unpublished illustrations from Central and Western Europe. 1964
Reprinted from the journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. Vol. XXVII, 1964. Fotografato
311-312 p. ill. 27 cm
R.G. Arte-Arch. lll. 3103 int. 12
Freundorfer, Joseph, sac. 1601-1681
Die Apokalypse des Apostes Johannes und die hellenistische Kosmobiologie und Astrologie. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Hauptergebnissen der Untersuchung Franz Rolls:” Aus der Offenbarung Johannis”, von Dr. Joseph Freudorfer, Frieburg i.B., Herder u. Co., 1929
The Apocalypse of the Apostle John and Hellenistic Cosmology and Astrology (critique of the work of F. Rolls) 1929
Card 1 of 2
3 f.p., (ix)-xv, 148 p. 23 cm
Rivisto osogot.3
Freundorfer, Joseph, sac. 1601-1681
Die Apokalypse des Apostels Johannes ,,, 1929
Biblische Studien; begrundet von … O. Bardenhewer, fortgefuhrt von Dr. J. Bottsberger … Dr. J. Sickenberger …XX111. Bd. l Hft.
“Verzeichnis der durohgangig benifsten und haufiger angefhurten literatur.” p. x111 – xv.
Card 2 of 2
1929 p. (xiii) – xv.
Riviste osogot.3
Fanti, Sigismondo
Triompho di fortuna di Sigismondo Fanit ferarese. (Impresso in la inclita cittaz di venegia per Agostin da Portese, nel anno dil vergineo parto. M.D. XXV!!. Nel mese di Genaro, ad istatis di Iacomo Giunta mercatate florentino ) (1527)
no translation 1527
19 f.p., cxxviii f. num. ill. 33 cm
Capponi II 81
Federici Vescovini, Graziella
Il sacro e l’astrolgoia. Roma, Istitute di Studi Filesefici, 1975.
The Sacred and the Astrological. 1975
(153)-175 p. 24 cm
Racc. Gen. Filosofia lll. 407 int. 5
Ferrerio, Giovanni, sec. XVl
La vera significatione della cometa, control la oppenione di tutti gli astrologi. Di Giovanni Ferrerio piamonteso. In Fiorenza, appresso Giorgio Marscotti, 1577.
The true significance of the comet, against the opinions of all the astrologers. (Florence, 1577)
(21) p., 1 f. 21 cm
Capponi IV.460 int.10
Gaffarel, Jacques, 1601-1681
Curiositez inovyes, hoct est; curiositates i nauditae de figvris Persarum talismanicis, horoscopo patriarcharum et characteribus celestibus Jacobi Gaffarelli, latine cum notis quibusdam ao figuris editae, opera m. Gregorii Michaelis … Hamburgi, apud Gothofredum Schultchaelis, 1676
Unheard of Curiosities of Talismanic figures of the Persians, of Horoscopes of Patriarchs and of Celestial Characters. (Hamburg, 1676)
2 v. in l. ill., tav. 17 cm
Racc. Gen. Neolatini V. 64
Ganivet, Jean
Ioannis Ganivti Amicus medicorum … Francoforti, 1614.
Jean Ganivet, The Friend of Doctors (Frankfurt, 1614)
Scienze V Ganivet 1 cons.