Reinhold Ebertin is the father of what is known today as “Cosmobiology”. He was determined to investigate all methods used in the field of astrology in regard to their reliability. More than 50 years ago he started his research program, the results of which are enough to fill a library. In the medieval times when astrology had been abolished from the universities, this beautiful philosophy for inner expansion and guidance had become open to superstition and superficialities. It was Reinhold Ebertin’s aim to help the promotion of astrology as a respected science in our modern scientifically oriented world. He devoted his whole life to the accomplishment of this task. Starting from scratch he eliminated all factors which did not prove entirely reliable. The intermediate house cusps seemed to add confusion to known astronomical factors splitting astrologers into many different groups. The results of his research program however, convinced Reinhold Ebertin of the effectiveness and reliability of the “Midpoint System”. This was by no means a new system and had been in use by Italian astrologers as far back as the 13th Century. Alan Leo worked with midpoints. This method of “planetary pictures” had been introduced to modern astrological practice by Alfred Witte, of the well known “Uranian School of
Astrology” in Hamburg, Germany. Reinhold Ebertin, the founder of the “Academy for Cosmobiology” in Aalen, Germany, and certainly one of the most scientific cosmobiologists today, further developed the concepts of interpretation of planetary pictures. In an effort to find an easy-to-apply-method for everyone he developed the so-called “Ebertin Method”.
“The Combination of Stellar Influences” by Reinhold Ebertin is the most complete collection of interpretations of “planetary pictures” including all combinations possible between three planets. Due to their reliability the midpoints are so popular today that most astrologers use them in their work. Since they represent astronomical factors – they cannot be thrown around the zodiac to where they seem to fit best. Anyone who has applied them knows how much information they add.
Astrologers are convinced that the planets have an influence on all organic life and inorganic matter on earth. They also know that the planets’ influences work in the mode of certain relationships between themselves, called aspects. How can anyone neglect the intersecting points where, at the time of birth, two planetary forces meet? These points are highly sensitive in every chart especially so when occupied by a third planet. This planet then forms a “direct” midpoint between two other planets. The midpoints are most indicative of the direction of physical, mental, and psychological performance of the individual. “Indirect” midpoints have been proven to be as strong as direct ones. We talk of an “indirect” midpoint if a planet does not occupy the degree of the midpoint but forms an aspect within one degree orb to it.
The book, “Applied Cosmobiology”, by Ebertin is a very comprehensive introduction to the application of the Ebertin Method: The 90 degree dial, the life diagram, and the 45 degree graphic ephemeris. Containing many examples, this book explains in detail how to find midpoints quick and easily, and how to use them.
Even unoccupied and completely unaspected midpoints are of utmost importance, especially if the two planets involved don’t form any aspect in the nativity. They represent that point in the natal chart where the mutual relationship of the two planets will be felt. Let me give an example:
Before I was acquainted with Cosmobiology I was puzzled and unable to define why a particular degree in a specific cosmogram I had been working with proved to be of utmost sensitivity. A long parade of planets and personal points had been activating this certain degree by Sun arc directions, progressions, and transits over and over again throughout the life. A death in the family took place when Neptune by Sun arc directions was conjunct this degree. Some years later an operation was due when the directed Sun was conjunct. Immigration into another country followed – the directed Mars had approached the same degree. A still birth took place when the progressed Ascendant was conjunct this very degree. The death of the mother took place under the progressed Moon there and the death of the father under a semi-square of the progressed MC to it. Only the Ebertin method made me realize that the midpoint Mars/ Saturn was exactly within a few minutes of the very spot while the midpoint Uranus/Neptune was forming an exact square to the same degree. Both, Mars/Saturn and Uranus/Neptune were without aspect to each other in the chart. This experience opened a whole new approach for me clearing away many inexplicable dead end roads where I was caught in confusion.
It is fascinating and rewarding to watch at least some of the most important midpoints:
Sun/Moon = relationships
Venus/Mars = marriage
Saturn/Neptune = sickness
Mars/Saturn = destroying energy
Sun/Jupiter = health and success
Asc./MC = inner expansion
Moon/Venus = emotional love
Venus/Uranus = birth
Mercury/Mars,Sun,Jupiter,MC = intellectual success
Saturn/Uranus,North Node = separations
Sun/Uranus = intelligence
Mars/Uranus = operations
Mercury/Uranus = intuition
Sun/Saturn = inhibitions
Jupiter/Uranus = lucky chances
There are 78 possible midpoints in each chart of which only a fraction are occupied by a third planet.
The Ebertin Method is based on angular aspects. It will simply collect all information given for activity throughout life within a glimpse. The method never needs time consuming recalculations of Sun arc directions or yearly progressions. It is an activity chart based on timing the motivation for accomplishment and challenge or stress and over activity: a comprehensive aid for exactly that purpose. More than 50 years of wide experience and deep research based on thousands of cosmograms convinced Reinhold Ebertin that harmonious aspects indicate a condition of inborn ease and natural ability. They do not initiate activity. The motivator for activity is the angular aspect. Accomplishment or stress – if indicated in the natal chart – will invariably occur under an angular aspect. The Ebertin Method is developed exclusively for the purpose of pinpointing these periods of motivation and activity – after the chart has been thoroughly studied, understood and judged by aspects and placement of the planets. It is indeed a fascinating method and well worth the effort to learn it.
In an extremely precise form, Reinhold Ebertin in his book “The Combination of Stellar Influences”, does not only give the principles of two planets and their probable manifestation (which has been written about and dealt with hundreds of times by astrologers of all calibers) but also the psychological, biological, and sociological correspondences. It also contains the principles of all possible midpoint combinations between three planets. It is a wealth of information.
Never before available, it is a valuable asset for any student or practitioner of astrology irregardless of the method he or she uses.
Listed below are some of Reinhold Ebertin’s books.