Dear People,
I was delighted to receive a copy of Northern Lights – a very promising magazine, and I love the title.
One negative comment: I hate the way the charts in the political article by Robin Armstrong were drawn. When a chart is filled with aspect lines, I can’t see the forest for the trees. The article itself seems very interesting, and makes it all the more frustrating. I’ll have to copy the charts in a way I can follow before I can read the article.
I very much prefer a chart like the one in Valerie Broege’s article.
For the rest, good wishes, and may Jupiter shine on your efforts.
Ieu van Houten, Prince George, B.C.
Ms. Van Houten,
Thank-you for you letter and good wishes. The charts submitted for each article were the ones that are used. This exposes you to the different ways of different astrologers. Each person w ill of course choose their own way.
The problem you are having with my charts is greatly dur to clack and white reproduction. The aspect lines are usually coloured and stand out immediately. I suggest that you colour the main aspects on my charts (squares and oppositions are red, trines are blue, sextiles are green.) It should simplify things for you.
As for the charts themselves, they are the ones I work and teach with. They work well for me.
Robin Armstrong, Editor