Editor: Robin Armstrong

Libra New Moon
Northern Hemisphere

The New Moon
When your feelings about the past, memories, and your sense of security
conjunct or meet up with
Your confidence, purposefulness, and your hopes for the future
A profound impression is made.
A note on the harp of the soul.
A seed moment in celestial manifestation.
The Horoscope for the New Moon is for the exact moment of the New Moon.
There are no houses in this chart because the Moon is in all 12 houses at the same time when viewed globally. So this is the true New Moon chart for anywhere on earth. You can add the houses to it according to where you live.
Most computer printouts will draw the horoscope with the houses as appropriate for where you are on the planet. This was not done here in order to focus on things valid for everyone on the planet.
New Moons are the peak points of subjective impressionability in the month.
Receptivity to core insights and to God, are accentuated.
Chanting (or even drumming) on a New Moon will give an extra vitality to your efforts over the following month,
until the next New Moon.
A holy environment and spiritual companions are a great blessing.
The New Moon accumulates and reflects on all of the experiences of the past month. On the New Moon the conglomerate of experiences past, creates a high tide of intuitive impressions. At the moment the Moon meets the Sun, light is shone on these impressions creating a new sense of purpose. It is the Sun than effects the Moon.
From our worldly consciousness we cannot see the combination or aggregate of memories, but we can certainly feel it.
Unfortunately our habit patterns are too gross or physical to allow us to attune to this phenomenon consciously, but we certainly can feel it.
Only the initiate or one established in spiritual disciplines can clearly witness the New Moon within.

Zodiac Pattern Types

Two planets on one side with eight on the other, three on one side with seven on the other, four on one side with six on the other, five on one side with five on the other;
……. there must be two empty areas that divide the chart in half. You can draw a line through the two empty areas–right across the chart and going through the centre. One area must be a square or larger, and the other area must be a sextile or larger. If the large empty area is a square, then the other empty area must be larger than a sextile.
The See-saw type is sensitive to both sides of any situation. You will be continuously challenged to empower one side or the other. As soon as one side predominates, the other will make demands. You live in a world of polarities and conflicts. You are capable of a vast understanding but too often waste your energies by being incorrectly aligned.
45° – 0°, 3 1/2 to 0 days before the New Moon.
This is the last phase of the lunar cycle before the new moon. It is often called the balsamic moon phase and it lasts for three and one half days from the crescent to the new moon. The light finally disappears into the mystery of silence and darkness. Completion becomes important. Your own projections seem to disappear in the vastness of all that is happening around you.
You are searching for something new but are unsure of how to end the old attachments. Your awareness of others begins to lose relevance as you approach renewal. Try to understand what needs to be left behind. This should be a daily meditation. You have the uncanny ability to know when anything is ending or about to fall apart. Unfortunately it is not usually wise to tell others about it. They would probably consider you to be too negative. You need to learn why things come to an end. It is important for you to mind your own business or you will keep seeing everything that is going to collapse on everyone. Learn to look within for the new vision. Trust silence. Take steps to move towards your vision. Be very selective. Listen and wait.
Often people will not appreciate you until you have gone. Try to insure that your influence is a positive one. Watch what you say. Often you will seem overwhelmed by useless or futile commitments. Do not try to save face. Be honest and let go.
The quality of ending will directly effect the nature of the new beginning just about to come. So be wise. No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. It may not make sense to others but if you trust your conscience, you will see the way. Hold on to your principles. Do not make promises that you cannot keep, especially long term promises.
You have the tendency to lose yourself in others only to be left very insecure when they do not have the answers. You want to become completely involved with someone. You will constantly search for or wonder about the ultimate love of your life. Often you will feel that what you have is not enough, and then you will wonder why you bother to stay within it.
You are looking for completion and fulfillment and are not likely to embrace freedom comfortably. You want to burn your past for future goals. It is amazing though how long you can procrastinate and wait. You want to help but often do not know what to do. You will probably not bother until somebody else cares.
A little encouragement can have profound effects. To attract positive feedback you must be positive towards others. If you must end a situation, it is important for the reason to be correct, otherwise your problems will reoccur in the new arena.
O°- 45°, 0 to 3 1/2 days after the New Moon.
This is the beginning of the lunar cycle and lasts for three and one half days. The light is emerging gently. From the depths of the darkest moment up to the first slim crescent of light, and a little farther until the crescent is smiling brightly.
This is a highly intuitive time filled with deep impressions and new beginnings. This is a time of seed moments and powerful insights. There is a predominant undercurrent of anxious anticipation. A new moon cycle is born.
Born under this phase you need to feel that your life is just beginning to open up. The challenge is subjective: are you prepared to advance your own cause? You should readily adjust your lifestyle to support any new sense of direction that you feel is emerging within you. You will be constantly having to make new starts in life. You will be sensitive to new beginnings and uncertain about your present surroundings. You are inclined to leave old attachments and memories behind. You want to move forward towards your goals and will be frustrated by any setbacks.
When you begin a project it is important to advance with care and gentleness. Make sure that you nurture and protect the germinating seed; ie. the new you. It is usually easier for you to do things than to talk about them. Remember that you do not have to achieve everything right away, but it is important for you to feel that you are advancing toward your goals.
You are the kind of person who plants ideas in the minds of others. You will reach out and impress others subtly. You will always be able to sense the new path that should be taken. As long as you are moving along this path you will feel relatively secure. Worries and problems will surface when you crystallize or stop growing. Do not look back or hold on to the past. Nurture the light within. Protect your own development and do not throw your good ideas out to fools who will not appreciate them. Neither should you follow the dreams of others. Trust your own inner sense of direction. Whenever you can make the effort to be creative, you should. Do not try to explain the process, just do it! Consistent effort will accumulate. Reach out. Rely on your instincts. Grow. Break out of old patterns. Move on. Move on. New beginnings always seem small against the vastness of life around you, none-the-less every journey starts with one small step. Try to find friends who will support and acknowledge your efforts. Always be cautious about what you say. Words can come back to haunt you.
You will always be trying to start something. Make certain that you take time to water the flowers and plants in your garden of hopes and dreams. The end does not always justify the means so make your daily life creative. Take time to smell the flowers along your path. You will be able to draw encouragement and inspiration by listening to birds singing.

DAYLIGHT IS DECREASING = Momentum towards responsibility
MORE DARKNESS THAN DAYLIGHT = Belonging predominates
CARDINAL = Makes things happen.
AIR = Communicative, intelligent, cerebral.
MASCULINE = Projective.
RULED BY = VENUS: Desire for satisfaction and appreciation/ self worth.
KEYNOTE: = “I balance” (I harmonize)
PART OF BODY = Kidneys, ovaries, loins, appendix.
COLOUR = Green.
GEMS = Opal, diamond, moss agate, coral, jade, alabaster, lapis lazuli, beryl, and chrysolite.
METALS = Copper
HERBS = Dandelion, yarrow, penny royal, violet, thyme, catnip, silverweed, archangel, bearberry, burdock, and almonds.
Some Libra Considerations:
Libra is a Cardinal sign. Cardinal signs are assertive.
Libras push to be appreciated and especially to be listened to.
They want their ideas to be relevant. They are driven by
encouragement and relevance in the eyes of others.
They like to share and can talk too much.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of values and choices, of attraction and repulsion, of beauty and ugliness, and of love and hate.
When negative Libra can be driven by envy or vanity.
They need to develop worthy values so that they have something significant to share. There is a tendency to trivialize.
If one can’t get what or who one wants, one is inclined to take the next best choice. There is a need to cultivate proper selectiveness and self worth. Sometimes one must do without and wait for what one really wants. One needs to avoid choices of degenerating quality and escalating repercussions.

This is the beginning of Fall or the light half of Autumn.
Darkness is increasing and with it involvement and responsibilities increase. Darkness is now also greater than daylight.
The concerns of others predominate and determine priorities.
This is the trigram of Keeping Still, Mountain.
One can easily be pulled into other people’s concerns
And get nothing accomplished for oneself. Talk is cheap!
One needs to learn to wait and listen for appropriate relevance and true value before speaking or acting.
There is a tendency to do nothing unless someone else is interested or cares. Keeping still works in two ways.
Either it puts one to sleep, or it wakes one up in deep meditation.
Meditation is the cultivation of the experience of silence.

In Libra the Eightfold Path is Right Effort.
1. One needs to use their will energetically to prevent unwholesome states of mind from arising.
2. One needs to get rid of unwholesome states of mind that have already arisen.
3. One needs to produce and cause to rise good and wholesome states of mind not yet risen.
4. One needs to develop and bring to perfection the good and wholesome states of mind already present.

Pentans are five degree divisions of the Zodiac in which the zodiac repeats itself creating a sub-level of meaning. Sub-pentans divide each 10 degrees of the zodiac into 12 sub-sub-signs adding a third level of meaning. The Zodiac sign is the Main Theme, The Pentan is the Special Focus and the Sub-Pentan is the Intimate Detail.

To Understand Pentans watch this video: (Click on the title Pentans)
Zodiac Faces
Today we see
the Face of Talent
Aries: Some of the most famous people are not always the most talented. You have the energy today but if you push your talents prematurely it will be an exercise in bad taste!
Taurus: Your talents will come to the fore today and you will be inclined to over spend on creative expressions. There will be someone trying to steal the attention from you. Just be consistent and charming!
Gemini: Your talents will gain in support today. You simply need to show what you have and you will win applause and appreciation. This is no time to hold back. If you’ve got it, flaunt it!
Cancer: Your talents will have a chance to shine today, but if you socialize too much you will too comfortable and lazy to produce anything of real value. Actions will speak much better than words.
Leo: Vanity will rear its ugly head today. You are inclined to think that you are more talented than you are, and certainly more than your contemporaries. It is hard to be humble but it is wise to be.
Virgo: Stick to matters of practical concern. One of your best talents is you ability to improve on what has already been done. Concentrate on physical refinement today.
Libra: The style of your presentation will be as important as your degree of talent. Accentuate beauty. Dress to captivate everyone’s attention. Once you get centre stage, don’t relinquish it!
Scorpio: Self doubt will be a major obstacle. The talents of others will take precedence over your own. Do not make a big scene about this. Your time will come. You still have some finishing touches to add before you are ready to show and tell.
Sagittarius: Applaud the talents of others and you will maintain good company. If you have something to do, do it with style and pizzazz! A half hearted effort will not be enough! The energy is good. Reach out and strut your stuff!
Capricorn: Social niceties and cultural events will impose themselves upon you. To be sparing of words will be wise. Keep alert for manifestations of talent. You are likely to get an excellent deal today. Buy quality.
Aquarius: Your tastes will not be in sync with talented expressions you will encounter today. Do not make a big issue about how you think it should be or there will be a lot of backlash.
Pisces: This will be another day when it will be difficult to complete what you start. Beauty will be highlighted today. In the name of talent spending money will be justified. Don’t look away from a good deal!

Hexagram Degrees
21 Libra 098
Main Theme:
LIB 21°-22° (IC) PREPONDERANCE OF THE SMALL: W.62, Line 4: Active.
21° 00’-21° 10’ Lib (Le IC-lvl2) WORK ON WHAT HAS BEEN SPOILED: W.18, Line 1: Yielding.
21° 06’ 40”-21° 08’ 20” Lib (Ta IC-lvl3) THE JOYOUS, LAKE: W.58, Line 5: Projective.

Main Theme
(Alternative Name: 12. In Stillness Thoughts Arise)

Zodiac:………18° – 24° Libra
Calendar:……..Northern Hemisphere: Oct 11 to Oct 17 approx
……………………Southern Hemisphere: Apr 8 to Apr 14 approx
House 6:……..72° – 66° setting to IC
Time of day:…07:12 to 07:36 PM (Local Mean Time or Sun Dial time)
Aspect:………72° – 66° Waning (Quintile – separating)
Moon Phase:.. Waning Crescent Moon Phase (90° – 45°)
……………………(7 to 10½ days after the Full Moon).
Thunder above, the mountain below.
The arousing force without and stillness within.
Sudden change is threatening.
One will wait until one is ready.
To rush ahead would be folly.
Get yourself together before you move.
Thunder on the mountain.
Movement is demanded.
One cannot see.
There is no secure footing.
Find a resting spot.
Secure your safety.
A bird on the wing,
Flies through the air.
Nothing above, nothing below.
Still it would be dangerous to fly higher!
It is wiser to stay close to the nest!
Outer stimulation, inner restraint.
The mind is active, while the body is still.
Creative everywhere
But not well received.
One draws attention to oneself
Before securing relationships.
To speak will cause shock and disturb the peace.
One must be cautious about expressing excitement.
The third son to the first son.
The third son keeps still.
The first son is the arousing force.
The third son waits calmly.
The first son is shocking like thunder.
The third son will listen, but will be slow to follow.
The first son will act on impulse.
He will tell his younger brother what to do.
The third son will not keep up with the first son.
He will consider the implications and rest content with simpler actions.
The third son will be difficult to get out of the house.
The first son will be quick to leave.

18-24 LI: 62. Preponderance of the Small
The body sits still but the mind does not!
One thinks of noble things to do,
But one must be patient.
If one feels supported, one will take the lead.
If one becomes proud of what one knows,
One will lose the foundation.
It would be wiser to encourage others to lead.
Nine in the fourth place: (21° – 22° Libra)
One hears the rumble of thunder.
The mind is excited.
There are such important implications,
One feels obliged to act.
How long can the thunder last?
Where will it lead to?
…..The fourth place: 21° – 22° Libra: 18. Work On What Has Been Spoiled
…..If one must act,
…..One should take care of the little things.
…..Do not rush ahead on your own.
…..Clear the way for those who will come later.
……….Nine in the fourth place:
……….Excitement is not contained.
……….Others will be shocked.
……….Those in authority will be threatened.
……….One will be heard but not respected.
……….It will be difficult to find loyal followers.
Technical Considerations of Line 4:
Solid in an even place
Inappropriate action
Firmness at the wrong time
(Astrological note: This place concerns the affairs of Houses 7 and 8)
Holding Together with inappropriate energy above.
(Astrological note: Inappropriate reinforcement from Houses 9 and 10)
Inner Correspondence: Approval and support from Line 1
(Astrological note: Approval and support from Houses 1 and 2)
Trigrams of Influence:
Lower Nuclear Upper Nuclear Upper Primary
Zodiac Considerations (Sub-Pentans) for the Forth Place:

Special Focus
(Sequential: Alternative: 25. Weeding the Field)
The mountain above, wind below.
Trees at the foot of the mountain.
Keeping still above, gentle penetration below.
Sensitive words will have a healing effect.
Gentleness may not move the mountain
But it will be able to influence it.
Movement at the foot of the mountain.
Clear a path.
Cut the weeds, move the fallen trees and stones.
Change is eminent.
It is time to overcome inertia.
To prepare the way is noble indeed.
Patience without, sensitivity within.
To change the outer world
One must first work on oneself.
The way must be prepared within.
Inner determination will be needed.
One will have to be conscientious.
What can be said until the work within is done?
No one will listen.
The worthy will have nothing to say.
The first daughter to the third son.
She is persuasive. He will exercise restraint.
He can be influenced,
But she will have to show him what can be gained.
She is expressive and knows how to increase her influence.
He will think that she can be too assertive and bossy.
When she approaches, he knows there will be a hidden agenda.
She uses her time. He protects his time.
She is perceptive. He is selective.

06-12 LE: 18. Work On What Has Been Spoiled
Care of the garden.
One waits and measures the effect of the wind on the crops.
If there is damage one must repair what one can.
Remain attentive to the implications.
One cannot simply leave everything to nature
And rest content.
Results will improve if one helps.
Six in the first place: (06° – 07° Leo)
One must strive to be perceptive.
Inappropriate expression
Will cause delays and discontent.
…..The first place: 06° – 07° Leo: 58. The Joyous, Lake
…..Increased fun. Increased pleasure.
…..Too much of a good thing can spoil it.
…..If there are any unhappy faces,
…..Humiliation will follow.
……….Six in the first place:
……….Progress is blocked.
……….There is no one to blame.
……….The problem lies within.
……….To be sparing of words is appropriate.
Technical Considerations of Line 1:
Broken in an odd place
Inappropriate receptivity
Yielding at the wrong time
(Astrological note: This place concerns the affairs of Houses 1 and 2)
Holding Together with inappropriate energy above.
(Astrological note: Inappropriate reinforcement from Houses 3 and 4)
No Correspondence
Trigrams of Influence:Lower Primary

Zodiac Considerations (Sub-Pentans) for the First Place:

Intimate Detail
( Sequential: Alternative: 54. CONTENTMENT)

The lake above, the lake below.
Happiness is doubled.
Excessive pleasure.
There is a strong impulse to get what one wants
And to enjoy oneself.
The lake has its shores.
Choose a nice view.
Be of good cheer.
Joy spreads joy.
One is increased by happiness.
To share what is beautiful furthers.
To exceed the boundaries of what is right will bring shame.
In the face of laughter worries disappear.
Enjoyment without, enjoyment within.
The pleasures and passions of spring prevail.
One smile will inspire another smile.
If one gives what one has, happiness will be doubled.
Culture, however, should prevail over vulgarity.
Too much of anything will spoil it.
Where there is beauty there is also ugliness.
How can anyone be satisfied or content
If anyone else is hungry or deprived?
The third daughter to herself.
She will win more by charm than by force.
She will respond to happiness and joy.
She likes to have fun
And prides herself on her tastes.
She wants what she wants,
And is inclined to overindulge.
She cannot imagine what too much happiness could be.
She is intolerant to what she does not want.
She will not rest in discontent.
Her happiness touches everyone she meets.
Any dissatisfaction will also be apparent.
The more she shares, the greater her popularity will be.
The more she indulges, the greater her waistline will be.
It is easy for her to attract people,
But difficult to get rid of them.

06-12 TA: 58. The Joyous, Lake
The pleasures of spring increase.
There is much beauty.
There is much to do and much to see.
Too much indulgence will attract envy and scorn.
Simple pleasures are best.
One should not encourage the lusts of others.
To increase the joy of others is noble and wise.
You will find happiness in the light of their eyes.
Nine in the fifth place: (10° – 11° Taurus)
To make others happy increases happiness.
There is no mistake in this.
…..The fifth place: 10° – 11° Taurus: 16. Enthusiasm
…..Enthusiasm abounds.
…..A positive initiative will cheer up many.
……….Nine in the fifth place:
……….In a time of abundance,
……….In a position of authority,
……….One will spend on culture
……….And encourage good will.
……….The talented will be rewarded.
Technical Considerations of Line 5:
Solid in an odd place
Appropriate action
Firmness at the right time
(Astrological note: This place concerns the affairs of Houses 9 and 10)
Holding Together with appropriate energy above.
(Astrological note: Appropriate reinforcement from Houses 11 and 12)
No Correspondence
Trigrams of Influence:
Upper Nuclear Upper Primary
Zodiac Considerations (Sub-Pentans) for the Fifth Place:

Aspect Hexagrams

Stars By Degree

Earth Zodiac

Light of Qabalah in this Degree
Light of Qabalah in this Degree

Light of Qabalah in this Degree

Ancestors by Degree

Movement by Degree

Drumming by Degree

Drumming by Degree
This hexagram reveals the drum rhythm by degree. Play this on your own or in a drum circle for the New Moon. Tune into the seed moment of the month. The Base at the red dot should be played louder!

Melodies (Scales) by Degree
Each degree has a very special melody or scale. You can play this with any instrument and tune into the feelings of this New Moon.
Watch the video:
LIB 21°-22° (IC) PREPONDERANCE OF THE SMALL: W.62, Line 4: Active.

Chanting by Degrees
Chanting on the New Moon evokes a very special presence.
It is one of the most powerful and sensitive times to chant.

Chanting by Degrees
This is the Chant for the New Moon in Cancer at 24Can56. By chanting you will tune into the essence of this New Moon in Aquarius.
——— 5 minutes of call and response chanting
——— 1 minute of continuous chanting
Watch the video:
LIB 21°-22° (IC) PREPONDERANCE OF THE SMALL: W.62, Line 4: Active.

RASA01: Foundations of Astrology
A thorough introduction to the horoscope and the basic concepts of astrology. These classes make astrology easy to understand! They represent the foundation of astrological insight.
Access to the RASA Classes and Student Forum where you can watch the videos and interact with other students.
Course Materials pdfs and graphics will be sent to you.
Cost: $200.
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PART ONE: FUNDAMENTALS: Level 1: Foundations of Astrology, Level 2: Planets in Signs, Level 3: Planets in Houses, Level 4: Planets in Aspect, Level 5: Natal Interpretation
PART TWO: ASTROLOGY IN ACTION: Level 6: Astrological Timings, Level 7: Astrology In Action
PART THREE: ASTROLOGY IN DEPTH: Level 8: Deeper Considerations, Level 9: Progressions, Level 10: Advanced Case Studies
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This is the book that most of the graphics and text for this newsletter have come from.
This is Robin’s new book just published this month. It includes the meanings for each degree and its corresponding hexagram line, but it does not include the entire hexagram text. It was made to be easy to use.

The RASA School of Astrology site


I Ching Links

How to use your horoscope to access the I Ching. The 64 Hexagrams as a Zodiac of 64 divisions.

The relationship of the three main cycles: the year (sun), the month (moon) and the day (earth) to both the I Ching and astrology.

A site about the I Ching with a good history, and instructions about how to divine a hexagram using yarrow stalks, coins or dice. The mystical Great Treatise that explains the inner depths of the I Ching is also here.

A new interpretation of the I Ching Hexagrams. References to the Superior Man have been removed. In its place the accentuation is on the individual. One does this, one does that, one remains free of blame!

A collection of cosmic connections to the I Ching. How numbers, the Kabbalah, and the seven rays relate to the I Ching, and to many other systems of understanding.

The Eight Trigrams of Earlier and Later Heaven and their relationship to Astrology.

On this site you will find applications of the I Ching to rhythm, melody and to chanting.
This takes the I Ching interpretations beyond the realm of words.

This website has mystical musical insights.

This website is my resume!